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4 How long did the South Pole trek take them?

(a) Through the worst Antarctic winter for years they trekked for seventy days.

(b) For seventy days they trekked through the worst Antarctic winter for years.

(c) For seventy days through a terrible Antarctic winter they trekked.

(d) It took them seventy days – through the worst Antarctic winter for years.

5 And was the North Pole walk also a three-man expedition?

(a) No, the international expedition had eight men.

(b) No, it was an eight-man international expedition.

(c) No, eight men – from different countries – walked to the North Pole.

(d) No, there were eight men walking to the Pole from different countries.

6 Did this North Pole expedition have a name?

(a) Yes, Icewalk it was called.

(b) Yes, Icewalk they called it.

(c) Yes, Icewalk was the name.

(d) Yes, it was called Icewalk.

7 Wasn’t there some connected environmental project involving students?

(a) Yes, a connected environmental project involved international students.

(b) Yes, twenty-two students from fifteen countries took part in some connected environmental project.

(c) Yes, an international group of students did some interesting work.

(d) Yes, there was a connected environmental project involving students.

8 Where did this part of the project take place?

(a) At the polar team base on Canada’s Ellesmere Island

(b) Canada’s Ellesmere Island is where the project took place.

(c) Ellesmere Island, where the polar base is, is part of Canada.

(d) At the polar team base on Ellesmere Island environmental studies were carried out.

Exercise 185 Marked focus

Read the passage. Then, in the exercise that follows, mark the stressed words in the answers that probably receive the main focus.

MFPA is not a charity but a company entirely owned by seriously disabled members of the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists. Its members have all learned to draw and paint with the brush held in the mouth or with the toes.

Perhaps the best known MFPA artist was Christy Brown, who died in 1976. The Oscar-winning film, My Left Foot, was based on his autobiography.

Christy Brown was born with a disability, but some MFPA artists have become disabled as the result of accidents. Bruce Peardon was in the Navy when a serious road accident left him with a permanent spinal injury. During his long stay in hospital he met two MFPA artists who encouraged him to paint. He is now a very accomplished landscape artist who is well known for his illustrations of children.

1 MFPA doesn’t sound like a real company.

- But it is a real company.

Answer: But it IS a company.

2 It must be difficult to paint whit your mouth or feet.

- Very difficult.

3 So the Association was founded in nineteen sixty-six.

- No, nineteen fifty-six.

4 And do the members manage to support their families?

- I don’t know about their families, but they support themselves.

5 I saw the film about Chris Brown on television.

- Not Chris Brown, Christy Brown.

6 Oh yes of course. The film showed him writing and drawing with his right foot.

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