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Quirk: Chapter 10.33 – 10.41

Alexander: LEG p. 363 – a list of references Negative statements

They have not finished.

Many people did not come to the party.

Not many people came to the party.

Seldom, rarely, scarcely, hardly, barely, little, few (in contrast to the positive a little and a few)

They scarcely seem to care, .................................................... ?

I hardly have any friends, and .......................................................... ?

When the negative item positioned initially = inversion

Not a word would he say.

Never will I make that mistake again.

Two negatives:

Nobody has nothing to eat.

None of us have never told lies.

I can’t not obey her.

I can’t not obey her, .......................................................... ?

The negation normally extends from the negative item itself to the end of the clause.

She definitely didn’t speak to him.

She didn’t definitely speak to him.

I wasn’t listening all the time.

I wasn’t listening all the time.

I didn’t listen to some of the speakers.

I didn’t listen to any of the speakers.

I didn’t take Joan to swim in the pool today.

I didn’t take Joan to swim in the pool today.

I didn’t take Joan to swim in the pool today.

I didn’t take Joan to swim in the pool today.

I didn’t take Joan to swim in the pool today.

I didn’t take Joan to swim in the pool today.

I didn’t leave home because I was afraid of my father.

I didn’t leave home because I was afraid of my father.

All the children didn’t sleep.

All the children didn’t sleep.

You may not smoke in here.

You may not like the party.

Témata, do kterých materiál patří