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Quirk, R. A Student´s Grammar of the English Language. Longman. Chapter12.

Exercise: Comment on the forms in italics.

  1. Cindy was by far the best speaker, and so everyone expected she would win the prize.

    • It is a noun phrase, “she” = pronoun; substitution - “she”

  2. The islanders pay all their lives on insurance policies for expensive funerals.

    • Their = possessive adjective

  3. When the children entered, each (of the children)/(child) was given a small present.

Some equipment has been damaged, but none (of the equipment) has been lost.

Both of the engines had been hit, and neither (of the engines)/(engine) could be relied

upon to bring us safely home.

Her cousins go to the same school as she did, and all (of her cousins)/(her cousins) want to become doctors.

  • None, each, neither, all = indefinite pronouns

  1. I read his first novel, and that (novel) was boring too.

    • That = demonstrative pronoun; novel = noun phrase

  2. A: Can I have a cup of black coffee with sugar, please?

B: Give me the same, please.

Yesterday I felt under the weather and today I feel the same.

The Denison house is small but very comfortable, and ours is just the same.

I want my steak rare and David wants his the same.

  • Cup of black coffee = noun phrase; under the weather = prepositional phrase; small but very comfortable = adjective functioning as subject complement; rare = adjective functioning as an object complement

  • The same =

  1. Have you any knives? I need a sharp one.

I wish I’d bought a few jars of honey. Did you notice the ones they were selling?

Can you give me a few nails? I need one.

I´ll get you some.

  • One = specified noun phrase – a sharp one, the ones - there MUST be an article

  • One = indefinite NP in singular

  • Some = indefinite NP in plural

  1. Shall I pass the butter? Or have you got some already?

    • Some = uncountable NP

8a. Martin drives a car, and his sister does, too.

  • Substitution

8b. Martin can drive a car, and his sister can, too.

- Drive is not used again – Ellipsis

9. They planned to reach the top of the mountain, but nobody knows if they did (so).

- Do – substitution for verbs, for predication

10. Is Connie still trying to light the stove? She should have done it by NOW.

Are you trying to light the stove with a match? I wouldn’t do that.

- Do – substitution for verbs, for predication

11. Between London and Oxford there is a famous inn called the George and Dragon. Here we stopped for lunch.

If you look in the top drawer, you’ll probably find it there.

- Here, there = substitution for adverbials

12. One morning the captain invited us to the bridge. He told us then about his secret orders.

- Then = substitution for adverbials

13. A: Will Oxford win the next boat race?

so [= that Oxford will win ...]

B: I hope {

not [= that Oxford will not win ... ]

  • Substitution for clauses


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