Verbs in general - seminář
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Mark finite and non-finite verb phrases in the text
“What are you going to do about the linen? “I wanted to know.
“Write it off, what else? “said the staff nurse. “Mr Klíma, you have no idea what people filtch these days.
„Shortly before you started working here, “the staff nurse continued, “this circular was sent round all the wards. “Taking a yellow sheet of paper from the drawer of her desk she read out loud: “Owing to the fact that, in contrast to the high standard maintained by the majority of our employes, pilfering of socialist property has receantly reached dangerously large proportions in our institute, culminationg inthe theft of the double doors to the garage, the management must inform you that we are forced to take preventive measures and that henceforth all bags taken out of the hospital will be subject to spot searches by the porter.We believe that the majority of honest employees will welcome this measure.“
(Ivan Klíma. My Merry Mornings. Readers International Inc. 1985)
What are the functions of the verbs in bold?
Are you having a shower? – Yes, I am.
Our living room is being redecorated.
This house was built in 1921.
He warned her to be quiet.
Is someone here a doctor?
Did you mend it yourself? – Yes, I did.
Did you do it yourself?
You have not even started yet, have you?
Having missed the bus he had to go to work on foot.
Change the sentences into the subjunctive mood:
We recommend that all staff should acknowledge receipt of this memo.
They insisted that we should go with them.
It is vital that children should remain in the school grounds until their parents arrive.
They claimed it was essential that the security system should be checked.
They insisted that we should not stay behind
It is vital that children should not leave the school grounds until their parents arrive.
Fill in the text with the appropriate –ed form of the following verbs. Then decide whether their function is: past simple, perfect, passive, participle:
move, work, be (3x), gather, circulate, find, surprise, allow, learn, overhear, empty, start, relate, stroll
Small crowds _______ around certain men. Here _____ the sources of information and rumor. One person ______ in a chemical plant, another had _______ a remark, a third was ______ to a clerk in a state agency. True, false and other kinds of news ________through the dormitory. Seekers of news _____ from one cluster of people to another, tending to linger at the larger groups. In this way I _______ slowly through the barracks. There ______ nine evacuation centres I ________. Iron City had not been ________ out, nor had most of the other towns in the area. I ______ out that we would be ________ to go home first thing in the morning. Pleseanty ________ we _______ to pack our things.
(adapted from Don DeLillo. White Noise. Penguin Books 1985)
In Foley study section 11.2. on p. 131, then do exercises 135/3,4 and 136/5 + exercise 204/1,2.