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Scope of negation-Exercises

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Scope of negation

The ´scope´ of a negation usually starts with the negative word itself, so where we put the negative may affect the meaning.

Insert the words indicated in two different ways in each of the following sentences to give the meanings shown, making any other small changes necessary.

  1. I haven’t got Andrew’s address. (still)

    1. (I had it, but I’ve lost it).

I HAVEN´T STILL GOT ANDREW´S ADDRESS – už nemám jeho adresu

b) (I’ve been waiting ages for it.)

I STILL HAVEN´T GOT ANDREW´S ADDRESS. – stale nemám jeho adresu

2. I advised him to complain. (not)

a) (I felt strongly that it was not a good idea to complain.)

I advised him not to complain

  1. (I offered no advice.)

I didn’t advised him to complain.

  1. I don’t know what’s happening. (definitely)

    1. (I am totally ignorant.)

I definitely don’t know what’s happening.

  1. (I have a sort of rough idea.)

I don’t definitely know what’s happening.

  1. I don’t try to understand these things. (even)

    1. (There’s no point in trying.)

I don’t even try to understand these things.

  1. (You might have expected that at least I would.)

Even I don’t try to understand these things.

  1. He didn’t arrive on time. (once)

    1. (Just on one occasion.)

Once he didn’t arrive on time./He didn’t arrive on time once.

  1. (Never.)

He didn’t once arrive on time.

  1. I don’t like oysters. (particularly)

    1. (But I don’t mind them.)

I don’t particularly like oysters.

  1. (I really dislike them.)

I particularly don’t like oysters.

  1. I don’t understand. (really)

    1. (It is incomprehensible to me.)

I really don’t understand.

  1. (I half do, I suppose.)

I don’t really understand.

  1. That’s not acceptable. (simply)

    1. (It is unacceptable. Totally!)


  1. (It’s more than acceptable – it’s very welcome indeed.)


Emphasizing negation

We sometimes emphasize a negative meaning by putting a negative adverbial at the very front of the sentence. This usually requires inversion of the subject and operator if the negative negates the whole clause (global – local negation).

Rewrite the following sentences with the negative or near-negative word or phrase at the front:

Example: I never imagined that anything like that would happen to me.

Answer: NEVER DID I IMAGINE that anything like that would happen to me. (inversion)

Example: I found that, not for the first time, I was wrong.

Answer: NOT FOR THE FIRST TIME, I found that I was wrong. (no inversion)

  1. I flew to Egypt not long ago.

  2. Nowadays people no longer go by sea.

  3. I haven’t been so impressed since I went to Mexico.

  4. You won’t find a more amazing building than that pyramid anywhere.

  5. Unfortunately I lost my wallet – not for the fist time.

  6. You little realize sometimes the trouble you can cause other people.

  7. I have seldom heard such an extraordinary explanation.

  8. You rarely discover the whole truth in these matters.

  9. The guide didn’t once complain.

  10. You hardly ever find such honesty.

(Chalker, S. Ex. 103)

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