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Seminář - teacher

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Seminar – Teacher

Task 1: Think of the activities you most enjoy in your English lessons. Does the teacher play the dominant role or the ´back seat´ role? Do you see yourself as a ´leader´ or as a ´manager´?

Do you think you will tend to experiment with your teaching style?

Task 2:

An innovative teacher

A creative teacher

Do you think you will be an innovative teacher?

Task 3:

Look at the following list of adjectives which could be used to characterise teaching styles and to describe teacher´s qualities:

relaxed patient dynamic

resourceful attentive creative

innovative caring intuitive

hard-working well-prepared enthusiastic

authoritative flexible accurate

space-giving clear systematic

well-informed / knowledgeable

Are there any important qualities missing?

These adjectives are intended to describe positive qualities. Do you feel that any of them could have a negative side as well? In what way?

Choose the four items from the list which you feel most accurately describes your own teaching style or characteristics; (the one you can see likely with yourself); put them in order;

Task 4: The pictures show different interaction patterns, what patterns are they? (open air, group work, closed pair, mingle, teacher-fronted plenary, student working alone, onion ring)

What typical activities are associated with the patterns?

Controlled oral practice of a four

Discussion on a news topic

Multiple role-plays

Survey of free time activity

Written grammar practice task

Students check their answers to a listening task with each other

Teacher conducts feedback on a reading task.

Task 5: Decide which two roles a teacher has for each activity from the list below

Teacher roles controller evaluator informer facilitator Teacher activity i. Monitor closely and help students with language ii. Keep students moving around so that everyone has a partner iii. Nominate who should answer a question iv. Time interaction and tell students when to change partner v. Monitor at distance and make a note of errors vi. Nominate who should speak vii. Monitor closely and point pout mistakes Interaction patterns Teacher roles Teacher activity Open pairs Teacher-fronted plenary Group work Student working alone Closed pairs Onion ring Mingle Open pairs

Task 6: Numbers 1-10 describe criticism that teachers can have of student centred interactions. Letters are reactions; match the criticism to the replies.

Témata, do kterých materiál patří