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  • 1 absence


  • The main is “reason” = only humans have it – we can use logical thinking – we can judge

  • 18th century

  • Tobias Smolett is in this movement

  • He is Scottish origin – he lived in Scotland and also in England

  • He studied in Glasgow – medicine, he worked as a surgeon in the British navy

  • He travelled a lot, he reached the Caribbean islands

  • This novel is made up of letters – epistolary novel

  • The basic unit is the letter

  • Report letters – they report events, what happened on the journey

  • But there are also different letters – Lydia Melford writes about her love – love letters

  • Majority are report letters

  • Sender – person who send the letter

  • Sendee – person who receive the letter

  • Most of the letters are written by men – they dominate

  • Mr. Bramble → Dr. Lewis (Bramble is quite hypochondriac, that’s why he writes to him)

  • Dr. Lewis → Mr. Bramble

  • Tabitha Bramble (Mr. Bramble’s sister – he wasn’t married, he has a son – Humfrid Clinker) – she is 45 years old → she writes to Mrs. William

  • W. Jenkins – she is a maid of Tabitha Bramble, she travels with the family, she arrives to her friend who was left at home – to Mary Jones (there is a hierarchy)

  • Jerry Melford (he is Mr. Bramble’s nephew, he isn’t staying with his parents because they died, he is not 21 so he cannot be alone, Mr. Bramble takes care of him) → Watkins Phillips (there is a friendship between them – they were students together at University of Oxford

  • Lydia Melford – sister of Jerry, she is 17 → she writes to Miss Letty Willis – they were together at school

  • Wilson – he loves Lydia → he writes to her

  • Humphrey Clinker – he doesn’t write letters because he isn’t educated

  • Lismahago – he doesn’t write letters

Mr. Bramble – proper English

Tabitha – she makes mistakes even if she is from upper class, she had very little education

Jerry Melford - he write properly – Oxford – very good institution

Lydia Melford – she write properly - she went to school – there is an evolution (Tabitha didn’t have access to school, Lydia has)

Wilson – he uses correct English

  • Males have good education, they use correct English

Jenkins – she is a servant – she can write but with mistakes


2 examples of analepsis and prolepsis – in the novel

Page 7 – April 2nd from Mrs. Jenkins to Mrs. MARY JONES, at Brambleton-hall DEAR MOLLY, HEAVING this importunity, I send my love to you and Saul, being in good health, and hoping to hear the same from you; and that you and Saul will take my poor kitten to bed with you this cold weather. —We have been all in a sad taking here at Glostar—Miss Liddy had like to have run away with a player-man, and young master and he would adone themselves a mischief; but the squire applied to the mare, and they were bound over.—Mistress bid me not speak a word of the matter to any Christian soul—no more I shall:

Page 8 – April 2nd from Jeremy Melford to Phillips - Though his rank in life (which, by the bye, I am ashamed to declare) did not entitle him to much deference; yet as his behaviour was remarkably spirited, I admitted him to the privilege of a gentleman, and something might have happened, had not we been prevented.—In short, the business took air, I know not how, and made abundance of noise—recourse was had to justice—I was obliged to give my word and honour, &c. and tomorrow morning we set out for Bristol Wells, where I expect to hear from you by the return of the post.—

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