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sender Matthew Bramble – sendee Dr. Lewis

sender Jerry Melford – sendee Sir Phillips

sender Lydia Melford – sendee Miss Letty Willis

sender Tabitha Bramble – sendee Mrs. Gwyllim, the house-keeper

sender Winifred Jenkins – sendee Mrs. Mary/Molly Jones

1. Postcolonial Method

It is obvious by a storytelling of Leutnant Lismahago – he was soldier/he served in America (war) where he met Natives – Indians.

First example – his own stories

Second example – gadgets, symbol, products, connected with different culture

Third example – party in Bath, two blackmen were by Mr. Bramble after their performance – drums, shout, dance – connection with colonial approach – oriental people/different culture = primitiveness

Fourth example – mention about mulato woman, wife of a Scottish sir

?Fifth example – medicine of Dr. Lewis – connection with India – tea?

2. Psychoanalytical Method

Freud - ego/superego

Matthew Bramble(Loyd)

EGO: rationalist man, gentleman, loves order (in society, health or in architecture)

SUPEREGO: be a gentleman, secure family

Lydia Melford

EGO: chastity, meekness, modesty and frailty girl, she guards reputation of her and also of her whole family, in love with Wilson (George Dennison)

SUPEREGO: get married, be mother of children, be good wife and mother

Jerry Melford

EGO: womanizer, gentleman, highly-educated young man

SUPEREGO: being unique/special, do not get bored, find an ideal of a woman

Tabitha Bramble

EGO: her character – money, tries to save money and accumulate those, wants to get married, she depends on her brother, and she knows her duty

SUPEREGO: get married, be mother of children, be good wife and mother

Humphrey Clinker (Loyd)

EGO: dutiful, loyal servant, very religious. His introduction into novel – bare, desolate human being, having no property, nothing but his own humanity

SUPEREGO: take care of management of the squire´s mansion

Jung archetypes

(the anima, the animus, the shadow, the persona, the self)

The anima of Matthew Bramble: he always complains like a woman

The persona of Jerry Melford: be a gentleman, be educated, take care of family, have an heir

The shadow of Winifred Jenkins: open-minded, gossip, astonished about everything

The animus of Humphrey Clinker: he is brave, hard-working, strong, The Self: simplicity, provincial background

The anima of Lydia Melford: virginity, virtue, education, The Self: sexual desires, love

3. Gender/Qeer Method

Mr. Bramble/Jerry Melford – gentlemen representation, protective attitude,

Lydia Melford – virtue, calmness, affection – ELECTRA COMPLEX – used to be protected by his brother/stepfather

Tabitha Bramble – affection, gossips, dissatisfaction

Humphrey Clinker – power, strong young man, protection X service to his master (women attitude)

Female bounding – Judith Butler – presented by letters written between women, support, gossips, female talk

4. Structuralist Method

Chronological development

Narrator is intradiegetic, omniscient, all the stories are told in the 1. person

Témata, do kterých materiál patří