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Rhythmic Gymnastics

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Ladislav Funk

1. TVS


Rhythmic gymnastics is summer Olympic sport only for female participants. It’s individual or teams activity. Teams are built from 5 or more athletes. Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport that combines elements of ballet, gymnastics, dance, and apparatus manipulation. In rhythmic gymnastics are being used these tools: clubs, hoop, ball, ribbon, rope.


Gymnasts work with two bottle-shaped clubs of equal length, 40-50cm, and resembling a slender tenpin bowling pin in shape. Made of wood or plastic and weighing at least 150g, the clubs have a wide end (the body), a tapering middle section (the neck), and usually a ball on the end (the head) with a maximum diameter of 30mm.


The hoop may be made of wood or plastic, with an inner diameter of 80 to 90 centimetres. It must weigh at least 300 grams. Performances must include at least three leaps.


The ball must be made of rubber or soft plastic, with a diameter of 18-20cm. It must weigh at least 400g.


The ribbon is a single 7m strip of ribbon made from satin or a similar material. One metre of its length is folded and doubled so it may be attached by a cord to a cylindrical stick 50-60cm in length which the gymnast grasps. The ribbon must stay in perpetual, fluid motion throughout the routine.


The rope, made from hemp or a similar material, has no set length because it is relative to the height of the gymnast. Performances must include at least three leaps.

The sport is governed by the Federation Internationale de Gymnastique (FIG).


In rhythmic gymnastics are three panels of judges with four judges in single panel.

1. Difficulty, 2. Execution (Artistic faults, Technical faults), Final score


First mention about rhythmic gymnastics was in ancient Egypt. On pyramid was found pictures of gymnastics exercises. In modern era rhythmic gymnastics was develop from ballet and competitive rhythmic gymnastics began in 1940 in the Soviet Union. In 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles was a first game including rhythmic gymnastics.


RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS: EQUIPMENT AND HISTORY. Olympic [online]. 2015 [cit. 2015-06-15]. Dostupné z: http://www.olympic.org/rhythmic-gymnastics-equipment-and-history?tab=equipment

Rhythmic Gymnastics: What is Rhythmic Gymnastics? Gymnastics [online]. [cit. 2015-06-15]. Dostupné z: http://www.gymnastics.org.au/rhythmic-gymnastics.html

Rhythmic: About Rhythmic Gymnastics. Fig-gymnastics [online]. 2014 [cit. 2015-06-15]. Dostupné z: http://www.fig-gymnastics.com/site/page/view?id=261

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