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In Company Answer Key

6 Business Travel

page 33


On the move

In the taxi: 7, 12, 16

At check-in: 2, 4, 10

In departures: 8, 13, 18

On the plane: 5, 9, 15

At customs: 3, 11, 14

At the hotel: 1, 6, 17

page 33


a 2 b 3 c 4 d 1 e 6 f 5 g 8 h 7

page 33


borrow your mobile: a, g

busy some stamps: a, g, h

hurry or I’ll miss my plane: b, e

which terminal I need: d, f

lending me some money until I find a cashpoint: c

to wait outside for five minutes: f

page 34


Transatlantic crossing

wealthiest neighbourhood: richest residential area

on a first-name basis: sees them so often that they call each other by their first names as friends would

are drawn together by: are connected by

flows: moves

boom: a period of expansion and prosperity

real estate: buying and selling land and buildings

trendy: fashionable

penthouse: an expensive top-floor apartment/flat (usually the best in the building)

page 35


Where in the world

a NY b NY c NY d NY e L f L g NY h L i L j NY k NY l L m L n L o NY p L q NY r L

page 35


London: 2, 4, 5, 8 [clues: quid, pounds, underground; day return, boot, taxi; bill, chemist’s; petrol station, roundabout)

New York: 1, 3, 6, 7 (clues: rest room, elevators; shopping mall, drugstore, parking lot; blocks, cab, subway, bucks; round trip, cart, phone booths, quarters)

page 35


In arrivals

Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 Conversation 4 Have they met before? No Yes No Yes What topics do they discuss? flight, weather family, promotion business, flight business colleagues, tiredness What plans do they make? go to hotel; meet Mr Hill in a couple of hours have lunch; go to office; Greg is staying with Caroline meet team his afternoon; relax in evening go to hotel; meet in 45 minutes

Page 36


a must

b Let

c booked

d how

e got

f OK

g sends

h get

i meet

page 36


Travel tips

a business, pleasure

b movies, view

c travellers, lines

d thing, problem

e connections, flights

f work, plane

g evening, destination

h children, passengers

i water, bags

j receipts, cards

k magazines, newspapers

page 37-38


Language links

Vocabulary: Business trips

a flight b the airport c check-in d shopping e lounge f plane g movie h sleep i destination j control k bags l customs m arrivals n in the traffic o hotel p your things q a meal r night

Grammar: Polite question forms


a Could you make some coffee, please?

b Would you please remember to use the spell check in future?

c Could I have a word with you in private?

d Is there somewhere where I could plug this mobile in?

e Would you mind checking those figures again?

f Could you tell me how this computer works, please?

g Do you happen to know the phone code for Greece?

h Do you think I could ask you to work overtime this evening?


a Could I have a window seat, please?

b Would you mind helping me with my bags, please?

c Do you know where there is a cashpoint?

d Would you mind changing this twenty-pound note?

e Could you drive a little slower, please? / Do you mind not driving so fast?

f Would you mind lending me your mobile?

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