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In Company Answer Key

18 Eating Out

page 104


a, b, c down the road, round the corner, five minutes from here

d, e, f specialises in fish, does an excellent lasagne, you might like

g, h, i you can get fresh oysters, they know me, I sometimes go

j, k, l a fantastic view of the city, a superb menu, a very pleasant atmosphere

page 105


Who Said It?

a G b H c H d H e E (G more likely) f H g H h G i H j H k E (G more likely) l H m E (G more likely) n E (H more likely) o G p E q H r E s E (H more likely) t H

page 106


Table Manners

the soup is often eaten (present simple passive)

cheese is normally served (present simple passive)

you may be asked (modal passive)

they can be seen (modal passive)

need to be offered (infinitive passive)

like to be invited (infinitive passive)

is usually eaten (present simple passive)

page 106


Sticky Situations

Conversation 1

a Fugu can be poisonous.

b 1 unusual 2 exotic 3 not like it 4 prefer something else 5 try something else

c Maybe I’ll have the tempura instead.

Conversation 2

a He doesn’t want to try squid.

b 1 like to try the local speciality 2 love it 3 enjoy this 4 really special 5 very good

c I hope you don’t mind, but could I just have something a bit simpler?

Conversation 3

a She’s on a special diet.

b 1 fried 2 boiled 3 roast 4 grilled 5 baked

c 1 of 2 in 3 with

page 108-109


Language links

The Business Lunch

Vocabulary: Food and drink

1 a lunch b steak c salad d fish e meat f vegetables g dish h food i fruit j bread k cheese l dessert m beer n coffee


a heavy (note: this adjective is the only one in this list not formed from a noun), juicy, spicy, crusty, chocolatey

b oily, fruity, tasty, fatty, peppery, nutty

How to sound intelligent about wine!

1 a with b from c of d with

Grammar: The passive

1 a e-mail b the fax machine c by d passive

2 a can be insured b has been asked c to be insured d was covered e were written f might be injured g were insured h is believed i would be destroyed j has been taken out k could be heard l was estimated m was captured n was dragged o being rescued p has not been claimed

Phrase bank: Eating out

a Complimenting your host

b Describing dishes

c Recommending dishes

d Avoiding disasters

e Being a good host

f Ordering the meal

g Talking shop

h Fighting over the bill

Témata, do kterých materiál patří