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In Company Answer Key

10 Small Talk

page 56


Getting down to business

a Germany b Finland c the USA d the UK e France f Japan g Spain and Italy

page 57


Extract 1: Japan (Clues: Sakamoto, Mizoguchi Bank, Usami-san, green tea)

Extract 2: Germany (Clues: Berlin, Wolfgang)

Extract 3: Italy (Clues: Juventus, Lazio, Italian football, Luigi)

Extract 4: UK (Clue: cricket)

Extract 5: Finland (Clue: Finland)

Extract 6: USA (Clue: New York)

Extract 7: France (Clue: president of France)

page 7


a opposite the door, next to Usami-san

b a few days

c professional footballer

d chocolate biscuits

e she was on holiday

f 99%

g the vice-president and the head of finance agree on everything

page 7


a Have you tried, have, had, was

b has come, was

c scored, was, Did you see, did, Wasn’t it, have ever seen

d stopped, cancelled, didn’t, haven’t seen

e have you been, came

f copied, have heard, thought, was

g Haven’t you heard, I thought, knew

page 58


Talking about experiences

a city b weather c economy d clothes e people f film g news h job i car j holiday k hotel l book

page 60-61

Language links

Vocabulary: Exaggeration and understatement


a Yes, it was absolutely freezing!

b Yes, it’s absolutely fascinating!

c Yes, it’s absolutely enormous!

d Yes, it’s absolutely tiny!

e Yes, she’s absolutely gorgeous!

f Yes, it’s absolutely boiling!


a Well, it isn’t exactly the most interesting I’ve ever read.

b Well, it wasn’t exactly the most amazing I’ve ever had.

c Yes, it wasn’t exactly the most exciting I’ve ever been to.

d Yes, it hasn’t been the most relaxing I’ve ever had.

e Well, it wasn’t the funniest I’ve ever heard.

f Yes, it isn’t the safest place I’ve ever been to.

Grammar: Past Simple or Present Perfect


a a point in time: a; a period of time: c; both: b

b came to America and started a business; Past Simple

c have been extremely successful and have been the market leader; Present Perfect


ago: a week, a couple of days, over an hour, years, a long time

for: a week, a couple of days, over an hour, years, a long time

since: the 1990s, 2001, Christmas, the day before yesterday, half past four, last month, the oil crisis, Thursday

3 a No b No c No d Yes e Yes, Yes f Maybe, No

4 a did ... get b was c didn’t mean d have noticed e wasn’t f hoped g have now decided h Have ... heard i said j wanted k haven’t done l didn’t you tell m didn’t make up n thought o has already brought p have had q haven’t ... shown r have ever asked s was

Phrase bank: Engaging in small talk

a enjoying b staying c staying d giving e going f been g been h made i heard j seen k found l tried m met n met o had p have q meet r come / go s see t read

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