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In Company Answer Key

19 Telecommunications

page 110


reducing pollution, lowering travel budgets, traveling less, spending more time with family


The first report supports the messages because it suggests that operating on the Internet will reduce carbon emissions. The second report contradicts the messages because it suggests three-quarters of the business travelers enjoy business travel.

page 111


Extract 1

a Port Rashid

b Peter Kessler wants his input on how to handle the changes to the specifications.

c He is prepared to give them another few weeks to sort out the problems.

Extract 2

a Some workers speak German and some English.

b Two seaports have been closed by bad weather.

c He is causing some of the problems by changing his mind frequently.

d He needs to bring the changes to the client’s attention. They need to take a fresh look at the plan and may have to renegotiate the contract.

page 111


a getting b waiting c meeting d agenda e introduce f join g started h objectives i finished j inputs k minimum l interrupt m skip n item o recap p agreed q hear r come s time t leave u covered v finish

page 112


1 Peter Kessler opened the meeting and informed us that

2 Sulaiman had gone to Port Rashid to check on deliveries and would

3 join us later. He then introduced

4 Jarek Gorsky, Ritterman’s new chief engineer in Warsaw, and emphasised

5 that the main objective of the meeting was to get the Dubai Project back

6 on schedule. Ernst suggested that

7 we skip item one on the agenda until Sulaiman could join us and went on

8 to outline the communication problems the two work teams had

9 been having. Peter recommended onsite training as a possible solution. Sulaiman

10 joined the meeting at this point and described

11 the situation at the ports as serious. He explained that

12 nothing was moving and that our back-up supplies were insufficient to cope with

13 the present situation. Karim reminded us that

14 constant changes to the building plan were also a major problem. Peter promised

15 to bring this to the client’s attention and that the contract with Al-Fulani

16 might have to be renegotiated. Ernst and Jarek agreed to

17 have another look at overall logistics and to report back to Peter. Another teleconference

18 was scheduled for next week.

page 112


An Urgent Matter

1 A 2 G 3 F 4 E 5 C 6 B 7 D 8 H

page 113


a this is just a quick reminder

b the report was due yesterday

c e-mail me if you’re having problems

d room to negotiate on fees

e fully itemised costs

f quote precise figures

g give a rough estimate

h sorry for the delay in getting back to you

i send a first draft of the report as an attachment

j a detailed breakdown of costs for the project

k be under pressure from head office

l get a proposal in on schedule

m set and stick to a budget

n let me know what the position is asap

o I just missed the deadline

page 115-116


Language Links

Dealing with messages

Vocabulary: Managing a project

a, i b, f c, e d, k g, j h, l

Grammar: Reporting

1 a 1 b 3 c 4 d 2

Témata, do kterých materiál patří