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In Company Answer Key


a Fritz said he was ready.

b Akio said he was going to wait and see.

c Claire said she had had enough.

d Philippe said he had to be going.

e Maria said she would be in touch.

f Sergio said he just couldn’t face it.

3 a 5 b 9 c 7 d 8 e 1 f 10 g 6 h 3 i 2 j 4

4 Suggested answers

a He said his name was James Bond.

b He asked Sam to play it.

c He said he couldn’t do it because it was terribly wrong.

d He asked me if I was talking to him.

e He informed her that he didn’t give a damn.

f She invited me to go up and see her some time.

g He told us to hang on because he’d got a great idea.

h He wanted to know what the Romans had ever done for us.

i He invited him to make his day.

5 a raised b invited c insisted d doubted e pointed out f agreed g wondered h suggested i came in j reminded k explained l added m warned n assured o recommended

Phrase bank: Teleconferencing

a opening b managing the agenda c interrupting d handling the technology e managing the discussion f time-keeping g closing

Témata, do kterých materiál patří