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In Company Answer Key

5 What Women Want

page 30

2, 3

The answer to all the questions is ‘Women’.

page 30


a His female clients tell friends and colleagues about good service and he gets more business as a result. Even when male clients are satisfied with the service, they don’t tell other people. This kind of marketing is called word-of-mouth marketing.

b It traditionally puts men at the head of the household but doesn’t reflect the current situation in China.

c In northern Europe nearly 50% of people live alone, but in Spain it is quite common to live with your parents until you are in your late 20s.

d The two schools of thought are that men and women are basically the same and that men and women are totally different. She advises doing a lot of market research rather than trusting your intuition when you are thinking of marketing specifically to women.

page 30


a true

b true (they research more extensively)

c false (they are less likely to be influenced by ads)

d true

e true

f false (the article suggests that they want practical information not ‘geekspeak’) g false (this is what some retailers and manufacturers assume, but there’s more to it than that)

page 31


free-spending: able and inclined to spend money quite easily

purchasing power: ability to spend money

decision-making authority: power to make decisions

emerged as a potent force in the marketplace: become powerful consumers

research more extensively: examine the merits and price of all the options before buying (shop around)

smart companies: intelligent companies

shifting away from: moving away from, giving up

headed: led by

soared: increased by a large amount

out-earn: earn more money than, have higher salaries than

tripled: multiplied by three

spiked: increased quickly and dramatically

geekspeak: technical jargon

warn: tell someone that something is dangerous, bad or will not work

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