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In Company Answer Key

20 Negotiating

page 118


a 1 create rapport 2 agree on a procedure 3 set out proposals 4 listen and take notes 5 have lunch 6 make counter-proposals 7 bargain 8 agree terms 9 close 10 celebrate

b opening position, target position, walk-away position, fall-back position, best alternative to a negotiated agreement

c Most people have an ‘I win - you lose’ mentality.

d Don’t get personal. Don’t agree to anything until you’ve discussed everything. Don’t make any concessions without asking for something in return. Ask a lot of questions. Don’t give in to pressure.

page 119



a Unfortunately, that would not be possible.

b We would find it quite difficult to go higher than 7%.

c I’m afraid we’re not in a position to accept less than $5 a unit at this stage.

d You may have to pay slightly more if you want that.

e We would need some kind of commitment from you now.

f Shouldn’t we spend a little more time looking for a compromise here?

g Wouldn’t it be better to agree on a price before we go any further?

h We were hoping you’d be able to pay a deposit today.

i It might not be very easy to get my boss to agree to this.

j I think that’s about as far as we can go at the moment.

page 119


They use less direct language

Page 120


The Language of Negotiations

Client counter-offer: 7 million euros

Project to be completed within 18 months

Plant to be operational by next September

Our revised bid:

2 million euros in advance

2 million euros mid-contract

3.2 million euros on completion

Total: 7.2 million euros

Schedule overrun penalty: 25,000 euros per week

page 120


no. seminars: 8 over 6-month period

no. trainers 3

materials to be approved

max. no. participants per seminar: 16

Full fee: £24,000

Discount: 15% = £3,600

Final fee: 20,400

25% non-refundable deposit = £5,100

page 120


Yes, it is a win–win negotiation. Both sides make concessions but both gain something in return and they end up happy.

page 120


a position b suggestion c alternative d clear e compromise f problem g offer h stage i acceptable j correctly k condition l about m for n at o price p more q option r agreement s drink

page 121


The Transfer

a current market value b corporate image c money-making industry d stock market flotation e media coverage f merchandising outlets g bluechip company h sponsorship deal i strong brand

page 121


1 Lost tribe

2 Multinational corporation

3 Money-making industry

4 Sponsorship deals

page 122-123


Language Links

Vocabulary: Negotiations

Conducting negotiations

a a deadlock

b a breakthrough

c time out

d terms

e pressure

f options

Sales negotiations

1 a buyer b seller c buyer d seller e buyer f seller g seller h buyer i either j either k either l seller m seller n buyer o buyer p either q either

2 a order b immediate c a discount d give e times f deadlines g price h hidden extras i payment j sort out k price l trial

Grammar: Language of diplomacy

a Unfortunately we would need something cheaper.

b We would be less interested in your economy model.

Témata, do kterých materiál patří