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In Company Answer Key

c Unfortunately, it may not be very easy to sell the idea to my boss.

d Shouldn’t we be a bit nearer a decision by now?

e I’m afraid we might not be able to pay straight away.

f I’m not in a position to make any promises at this stage.

g We would find this a little difficult to accept at the moment.

h I understood that you wanted immediate delivery.

i To be honest, we were hoping you would provide after-sales service.

j Our discussions haven’t been very productive so far.

k Wouldn’t a fixed interest rate be better?

l We were aiming to get slightly further than this morning.

Phrase bank: Negotiating

1 create rapport b, k

2 agree a procedure f, i

3 put forward proposals h, j

4 check the facts a, l

5 enter the bargaining phase c, e

6 work out the details d, g

Témata, do kterých materiál patří