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Otázky z minulých let

1. The part of communication enabling the terminal to connect the network is called:

  1. Signalling network

  2. Transport network

  3. Access Network

  4. User network

2. Telecommunication networks can be divided according to the principle of data transport into following types:

  1. Networks with subscriber line switching

  2. Networks with packet switching

  3. Networks with circuit switching

  4. Networks with switching of signalling channels

3. The advantages of packet switched network are:

  1. High efficiency of usage of network resources

  2. Minimal delay

  3. Very high reliability (better than 99.999%)

  4. Constant delay

  5. Network flexibility

4. The basic feature/features of the packet network is are

  1. Establishment of physical circuit to provide connection

  2. Connectionless character of communication

  3. Sharing of network resources

  4. Data transmission in the form of packets or frames

5. Biggest delay source for the real time services in the packet switched network is:

  1. Transport delay

  2. Packetization delay

  3. Switching delay

  4. Media access delay

6. Communication protocol is:

  1. Only the protocol data unit format and the meaning of particular fields in the data unit

  2. Set of communication rules used by communication entities

  3. Only the protocol data unit format and the set of functions related to the exchange of data units

7. Physical layer is partially specified by following groups of parameters:

  1. Mechanical

  2. Compression

  3. Functional

  4. Rules of acknowledgement

8. Data link layer provides:

  1. Switching within one network

  2. Medium access control

  3. Data flow control

  4. Packet routing

9. The tasks of network layer are:

  1. End-to-end communication

  2. Network and MAC address translation

  3. Packet routing

  4. QoS support

  5. Packet fragmentation

10. The tasks of transport layer are:

  1. End-to-end communication

  2. Data encryption

  3. Data integrity check

  4. Network node addressing

  5. End-to-end data flow control

11. TDMA access is based on:

  1. Frequency channel allocation

  2. Time slot allocation

  3. Unique orthogonal code allocation

12. The tasks of hubs are:

  1. Signal recovery and signal copy to all other parts

  2. Enlargement of collision domain

  3. Data unit switching according to the physical address

  4. Access media control

13. The network interconnection devices that enable interconnection of stations though different rate links are called:

  1. Switches

  2. Hubs

  3. Routers

  4. Repeaters

  5. Bridges

OSI layer two devices, filter and forward frames using MAc addresses

14. Router switches the data units at:

  1. Transport layer

  2. Data link layer

  3. Network layer

  4. Physical layer

15. The access method used in the shared Ethernet is called:

  1. Cambridge ring

  2. CSMA/CD

  3. CSMA/CA

  4. Echo channel access

16. 10GBase Ethernet can be used in:

  1. LAN only

  2. PAN only

  3. LAN and/or PAN

  4. LAN and/or WAN

17. WiFi (I EEE 802.11) networks use for bidirectional communication:

  1. One channel for uplink and one for downlink separated in frequency (FDD)

  2. One channel for uplink and one for downlink separated in time (TDD)

  3. One channel for uplink and one for downlink separated in code (CDD)

  4. Common channel for both uplink and downlink

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