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Předmět Marketing Applications (FP-RmaA)

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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

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Shrnutí ke kolokviu Neznámý 24.01.2022 21:43 1

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The main aim is to furnish students with modern methods and techniques in the field of marketing application via the use of a systematic approach. Students will obtain theoretical knowledge of marketing tools and their practical application in business with the emphasis on acquiring long-term and sustainable competitive advantage with the use of marketing research and six sigma marketing.


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CLEVELING, C. M., L. HAMLETON a B. MCCARTHY. Six Sigma for Marketing Processes. Boston: Pearson Education, 2007. ISBN ISBN-10: 013199008X.REIDENBACH, E. Six sigma Marketing.Wisconsin: America Society of Quality. 2009. ISBN-13:978-0-87389-768-6.


Basic knowledge of marketing tools and their use.


Ing. David Schüller, Ph.D.


Ing. David Schüller, Ph.D.