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1. House of quality 8

2. Marketingová cesta zákazníka 9

Koncept STDC 9

1. Fáze – See 10

2. Fáze – Think 10

3. Fáze – Do 10

4. Fáze – Care 10

3. Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning 11

4. Optimalizace pro vyhledávače – SEO 11

5. Content marketing 12

6. Factor and ClusterAnalysis – segmentation 12

7. Content marketing – nástroje společnosti Google a Seznam.cz 12

8. Kampaň Google Ads 13

9. Sociální sítě 13

10. Keywordplanner, Google Analytics, Answerthepublic 14

Probraná témata v rámci přednášky

  1. House of Quality

Using the house of quality you identify what are the requirements for the product you are innovating somehow, you determine the weight of those requirements, then you determine how much you are able to meet those requirements, because many times the two build on each other, it was for example with the size of the device and the size of the battery or the quality of the battery and the display of the phone, you analyze there and what are the relationships between those requirements, I think you can also compare how the competition has it and as a result you design the appropriate parameters.

  1. Marketing Funnel – Cesta zákazníka, See – Thing – Do – Care

Awareness Interest Consideration Evaluation Decision Purchase Repeat Loyalty Advocacy

During the awareness phase we try to reach as many customers as possible.

The interest phase is known, for example, by clicks to product pages.

In the consideration phase, the customer is already considering whether to buy the product.

In the evaulation phase, the customer compares different products, reads about the product and its reviews.

In the decision phase the customer decides to buy the product, it is a key decision. We can help in their decision making with discounts, extended warranty etc.

In the purchase phase, the customer already orders and buys the product.

The repeat stage means that the customer was satisfied with the purchase and buys again. We can support by adding after sales service. For example, furniture assembly.

In the loayalty phase, the customer already prefers our brand over others. We can add a loyalty program.

In the advocacy phase, the customer is a fan and recommends our brand to others.

  1. Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning

"Market segmentation - the division of a market into different groups of buyers with different needs, characteristics or behaviours that may require different products and marketing mixes"

"Market targeting - involves evaluating the attractiveness of different market segments and selecting which ones a company wants to target"

"Market positioning - involves building a competitive product position and creating a detailed marketing mix"

  1. SEO

▪ SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the most important areas in creating a successful website. Its subsequent traffic and overall prosperity depends mainly on how well it can be searched on the Internet.

  1. Content Marketing, 10 Tips of good content marketing

Témata, do kterých materiál patří