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AOBA - Essay on Donald Trump´s presidency - what´s next for America

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This essay deals with candidates running for president of United States of America, former vice president Joe Biden and present president who runs for second election Donald Trump. Their promises to the country and what they did so far for the country.

Working with the information given by the media etc. is very hard even for American citizen as the news (or media in general) are very biased. What is showed is often personal opinions versus indisputable facts. I chose to work with articles written for The New York Times as I agree with their opinions

Major selling point for many American democrats is that Joe Biden is Barack Obama´s former vice president while President Donald Trump does what he promises. It is widely thought that neither of the two candidates are good option, so it needs to be considered which one is better for the country.

One of the greatest issues in United States of America is healthcare that is too expensive for some. Each of the candidates stands on the opposite with their opinions. While President Trumps Administration files formal request to strike down all of “Obamacare” 1 (Hoffman – Goodnough 2019) health care remains a top priority for Joe Biden as well as coronavirus test accessible – lower the price as much as possible (Glueck 2020). Besides health care there is another great issue that afflicts United States of America. Immigration is tremendous issue where Biden is not very vocal so far on the other hand Trump´s first campaign was, vice versa, all about immigration and his “build the wall” is still echoing now.

Speaking to some American citizens I heard about how great Donald Trump is. Taxes in United States of America are lowest in a history while Trump runs America like a business. Also, wadges for military officers and soldiers are on the rise on the contrary Biden will lower them if he gets elected.

By my opinion, if Trump gets re-elected he will have more space to accomplish cancelling “Obamacare” while if Biden gets elected, many families will lose money due to cut in military wadges. In both situations a large number of people will lose their money – will not get them or will spend more of them paying for health care.

List of literature

Glueck, Katie (2020). Joe Biden: Who He Is and What He Stands For. The New York Times. September 22, 2020 (https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/elections/joe-biden.html, October 31, 2020).

Hoffman, Jan – Goodnough, Abby (2019). Trump Administration Files Formal Request to Strike Down All of Obamacare. The New York Times. May 1, 2019 (https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/01/health/unconstitutional-trump-aca.html, October 31, 2020).

Karni, Annie (2020). Donald Trump: Who He Is and What He Stands For. The New York Times. September 22, 2020 (https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/elections/donald-trump.html, October 31, 2020).

  1. So called „Obamacare“, officially Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is federal law in United States of America from 2010. Meaning of this law is to make health insurance more affordable for people from lower and poorer classes. Striking down the “Obamacare” would end around 20 million health insurances and many more people would get affected.↩

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