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4. He taught at University. (Where)_________________________________

5. They chese this subjekt (why)___________________________________

Fill in the prepositions:

  1. I would like to speak…………him.

  2. Who is……………the pisture?

  3. I was not………school yesterday.

  4. What do you think ……….this book?

  5. What are you looking…………..?

Put the verbs in brackets into the correst forms: (prezent simple or continuous)

  1. He usually…………..(speak) so quickly that I……………………(not understand) him.

  2. I……………………(wear) my sunglasses today. The sun is strong.

  3. The kettle……………..(boil) now.

Use the correkt modal verbs:

  1. I never remember his adress, I always…………….look i up.

  2. You …………………ring the beil: I have a key.

  3. You………………….get a visa efore traveling to the USA. It is law.

Komplete the sentences with the correct formo f the verbs in brackets. (gerund or infinitive)

  1. He likes………..….(play) the guitar.

  2. I tis a good way of……………..(get) rid of stress.

  3. Do you feel like……………..(go) for a walk?

  4. I would rather………….(buy) a new car than a sekond hand one.

  5. I would like………………(visit) England one day.

Put the words in the correct order

  1. like/does/look/he/ What?...............................................................................

  2. is / like / New dress / What /your?................................................................

  3. smoke / I /mind / Do / if you / here?.............................................................

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct constructions / be gong to, will, prezent continues/ with future meaning:

  1. We……………(have) a drink with Peter tonight. /he has invited us/. It his last night. He ………………..(leave) tomorrow.

  2. I propadly ……………(come) to London next month. I……………(give) you a ring and tell you when I ……………(come). /When I have arrange to come./

  3. We……………..(go) to Italy next month.

Témata, do kterých materiál patří