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I. Level 2 Summer Term Exam II

I. Tick the correct form:

1. His right hand is in a plaster because he …………….an accident

a) was having b) has had c) had had d) has

2. This is the first time she ………….a car.

a)drove b) was driving c) drives d) has driven

3. Peter, ………..your exam?

a) are you passing b) have you passed c) passed you d)didn’t you passed

II. Use the Past simple or Past continuous of the verbs ib brackets.

  1. I (hear)………….that they (look for)………………………..drugs.

  2. The phone (ring)…………..when he (have)……………..a shower.

  3. He suddenly (realize)………….that he (travel)………..in the wrong direction.

  4. The burglar (open)…………………the safe when he (hear)………….footsteps.

III. Fill in the articles.

  1. What ..... pretty girl?

  2. …. Mr Brown was looking for you. He wants to make ….complain about ….article in ……newspaper.

  3. My mother goes to ….church in …..morning and in ……afternoon she goes to visit ……….friends.

IV. Komplete the sentence with some, any, much, a little, a lot of.

  1. How …………homework have you got?

  2. Could you go……………fast?

  3. Can I have..………..coffee?

  4. There isn’t……………bus stop near here.

  5. There are…………..students in our English group.

V. Fill in the prepositions:

What do you think………..this film? Vhat do you want……..your birthday?

The Post is next……….the bank. Turn left………..the traffic lights.

Who is…..the picture?

VI. Put the words in the correct order to make sentence?

  1. propably / spend /this holiday / in our country / will / We


  1. cross / and / Leave / the road / the station


VII. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets (gerund or infinitive):

  1. Do you feel like (go)…………for a walk?

  2. I would rather (drink)………….a glass of wine.

  3. I really enjoy (watch)…………….sport on TV

  4. I would like (help)…………….you.

VIII. Conditional type 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:

  1. I fit (freeze)……………tonight the roads (be)……………slippery.

  2. If you (like)…………..I (get)……………..you a job in this copany.

IX. Conditional-type 2.Rewrite these sentence:

  1. She is very shy, she doesn’t like ………………………………….....


  1. My numer isn’t in the directory so people don’t call me………………


Make guestions

1. Sue got married. (When)________________________________________

2. He played tenis yesterday.(When)_________________________________

3. She brought her brother to the party.(Why )


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