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16) Sports and games

I’m going to talk about sports. Sports are one of the most popular leisure time activities. They help us to keep fit both physically and mentally. They are also a kind of relaxation and entertainment and they can help us to lose some weight.

Sports can be divided from many points of view. Basic division is into the indoor and outdoor sports. Indoor sport can be for example gymnastics, boxing or wrestling. From outdoor sports I can name skiing (cross country, downhill, slalom, ski-jump), rock climbing, horse riding, golf or windsurfing. Many sports can be practiced both indoor and outdoor. Such as football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, swimming, etc.

Nowadays, we know so many kinds of sports that it’s impossible to name all of them. At least, we can divide them into different groups - collective sports (football, basketball, baseball), ball games (tennis, golf), water sports (swimming, yachting , motorsports (rallye, motocross) and many more.

In some countries, regions or villages, people organize „crazy sports competitions“, such as wife carrying, cheese rolling and other crazy activities.

When I talk about sports, I can’t forget to mention the Olympic Games which are definitely the most important sport event ever.

The first games took place in Ancient Greece at Olympia in the eight century B.C. The games were held every four years, it was an occasion to honour Greek god Zeus and during it there were no wars allowed.

The participants, which were only men, were competing in the several athletic disciplines. The winner didn’t get a medal but was crowned with wreath of olive or palm leaves. Ancient games were not only about sport. Then, there were also competitions in arts like music or poetry. But the games were prohibited in 394 and the idea was forgotten for a long time.

The first modern Olympic Games took place in Athens in 1896 after French baron Pierre de Coubertin re-established them.

Later, the Olympic Games were divided into the Summer and Winter Olympic Games. The winter games were held in 1924 for the first time.

These days, it’s the international multi-sport event and both winter and summer games take place every four years, and they alternate every two years. Around 10,000 athletes usually compete in the summer games in a large number of sports and represent over 200 nations.

The symbol of the Olympic Games is five connected coloured circles - blue, black, red, yellow and green. It’s said that each circle represents one continent, but it’s not actually true, it represents only the idea of five connected continents.

The famous Czech Olympic medalists were for example Emil Zátopek, Jan Železný, Martina Sáblíková, ice-hockey players or Roman Šebrle.

The following winter games are in Russian Soči in 2014.

The positive about the Olympic Games is that sportsmen from all the world come together to one place and compare their skills in a friendly way. And most of them want to compete fair play. Nice is also the original idea of the games by Pierre de Coubertain which says that it’s not important to win but to participace.

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