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The negative is that somebody could want to win so badly so he will dope.

The modern sport has changed a lot. The sportsmen are still getting better, faster and stronger and there are more and more sports and competitions appearing.

The professional sports career is a dream for many amateurs. However, it has many pros and cons. It’s well paid, but the sportsmen also have to invest much money into their career. It’s often demanded to begin in the early age, it means the age around 5 years.

Most sports also cause health problems, for example, extreme exhaustion or too large load, it can cause for example muscles and bones fractures.

The problem of the modern sport is surely the using of dope, too. The athletes want to be so great, that they dope to make their achievements better, but in the case they’re confessed, they have to give their medals back and sometimes they have to stop their professional career for a while. Usage of these substances is also dangerous for their health.

And now, I’d like to tell something about my favourite sports. I like almost every kind of sports, I love both winter and summer sports. From winter sports I prefer skiing and sledging, but I would also like to try snowboarding. From summer sports I prefer swimming, cycling, playing beach volleyball or rollerskating. I also do power-yoga and dance zumba.

I would like to tell something more about the power-yoga. It´s a special kind of yoga aimed at muscular excercise. It´s also important to breathe right. I stretch my body very well and it´s also a kind of relaxation. When I practise yoga, I concentrate only at my body and I can´t thing about any negative ideas. I go to practise yoga in a salt cave, so I breathe salt air, which is also healthy. When I go from the yoga lesson, my body is relaxed and I feel lighter. I would recommend it to everybody, because I am really satisfied and it always improves my mood.

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