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18) Food and eating out

Food is an inseparable part of our lives, we couldn’t be able to survive without it. It’s very important because it gives us energy for living. And it isn’t only necessity but often also pleasure.

Food is defined as a substance that can be eaten or drunk.

When talking about food, I would like to mention the cuisine. Cuisine is an important part of culture. Every country has its own different cuisine containing various food and dishes.

First of all, I’ll describe the Czech cuisine. In our country, we usually eat 3 to 5 meals a day. The first one is breakfast. We mostly eat very quickly, some people even don’t have breakfast at all. A typical breakfest includes a roll or a slice of bread with butter and jam, cheese, ham or honey. Another time it is yogurt or cereals with milk. Usual morning drink is a cup of tea or coffee, some like a glass of milk, juice or cocoa.

During school or work, most people eat a snack, it’s usually a sandwich, fruit, vegetable or something sweet.

The lunch is the main meal of the day. During the workweek people eat it in a restaurant or at work, students can have lunch in a school dining-room. At the weekend most families eat at home together. Then the lunch consists of a starter, which almost always means soup, then a main course and sometimes also a sweet dessert. Czech soups are for example, potato, garlic or pea. And one of the most typical Czech dishes is the roast pork, potato dumplings and sauerkraut. In our country also the sauces are very common to eat, such as tomato, dill or mushroom with bread dumplings and meat.

In the evening, every one likes something different to eat. Dinner can be cold as well as hot.

Czech cuisine is known for using lots of meat and side-dishes. We use chicken, pork and beef the most and we eat it with potatoes, pasta, rice or dumplings.

I also can’t forget to mention our national drink which is surely beer. We have also other typical alcoholic drinks, for example, plum brandy, wine and liquors like Fernet or Becherovka.

Czech cuisine is said to be one of the most unhealthy, because we use a lot of fat and oil.

Now, I would like to compare British and Czech cuisine.

British people are known for their traditional English breakfast which is much bigger than ours and it’s not so quick as in our country. They usually eat cornflakes with milk, fried bacon and eggs or toasts with butter and jam or honey. They drink a cup of tea, coffee or a glass of juice.

The lunch is not the main meal as in the CR, they usually eat only some sandwiches or hamburgers.

In the past, there were a tradition of the afternoon tea at 5 o‘clock, now it’s kind of old-fashioned. However, some people still hold the custom.

The dinner is the main meal of the day and it’s served about 7 in the evening. The meal is usually hot and consists of three or four courses - soup, the main course and a dessert.

In every country people have their typical food and dishes. In Chinese cuisine eating a lot of rice and noodles and flavour with soya sauce is common. In France, they make excellent wine and cheese and in English cuisine, fish and chips or Christmas puding is typical.

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