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Car is probably the most comfortable means of transport. You can go wherever and whenever you want, there are no limits. You can also change your journey plans if necessary. It’s comfortable and fast. It takes less time on short distances than buses or trams. But it also brings some disadvantages – cars are expensive, you have to possess a driving licence, concentrate on controlling your car when you a driver and the prices of petrol are quite high these days. Cars also produce a lot of pollution and that’s not good for the environment. Pollution causes the smog in the cities and also the global warming, which is a controversial problem these days.

Holidays are probably the time that children and students like the most. It’s the period of time when people stop their usual activities to have a rest and sometimes also to travel. There are many holidays during the school year, but the most favourite holidays and also the longest ones are the summer holidays. We have many possibilities how to spend them - travelling, hitch-hiking, going on language courses or working to earn some money.

The most favourite possibility, not only among children, but also among people of all ages, is travelling. People love to travel abroad, but also throughout the Czech Republic, or they like to spend some time at their cottages. Young people also like to hitch-hike, even though it can be dangerous. You never know who gives you a lift. But for young people, it’s kind of adrenaline.

To improve your foreign language, you can visit some language course. But for speaking foreign languages and also for earning some money, we can also go working abroad. The popular jobs are for example au-pair or waiters. But for earning some money, you don’t have to leave our country. A lot of students profit from having more free time than during the school year and they find themselves summer jobs. The popular ones are also waiters, life-guards or shop assistants.

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