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25. Czech Republic

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the legislative, represented by the Parliament

the executive, represented by the president and the government

the judicial, represented by courts

Czech parliament is divided into two parts:

Chamber of deputies – 200 members, which were voted for 4 years and

The Senate – 81 members voted for 2, 4 or 6 years. Every 2 years is renewed one-third of Senate.

Head of our republic is president. He is elected every five year by parliament and he can be voted two-time.

President is leader of our army power, he represents our state abroad, he presented new professors and he has right Veto, so he can return some law.

Government has about 12 members, each minister has own resort such as interior, foreign affairs, defense, justice, industry, transport.

Everybody, who is above 18 and who has Czech nationality can participate.


The Czech Republic is an inland country situated in the centre of Europe and sometimes it is called the heart of Europe.

Czech republic has various surface, mountains create natural borders with our neighbours.

Ther are many mountains: the Šumava range, the Czech forest, the Krušné Mountains (Ore), the Jizerské Mountains, the Krkonoše mountains (Eagle) the Orlické mountains, the Beskydy, the Jesenik.

The highest mountain is Sněžka (1603 meters) and the longest river is the Vltava.

Bohemia and Moravia are separate by Bohemian-Moravian highlands.

Lowlands are along rivers Vltava, Elbe and Dyje.

Other important rivers are the Labe, the Jizera, the Svitava, the Svratka and the Morava.

Rivers in Czech republic belong to three seas: Vltava and Elbe to the North Sea, the Oder to the Baltic Sea and Morava to the Black Sea.

The largest waterway is in the Elbe, we can travel to Germany to Hamburg, on the Vltava are dams, which are used for energy (Orlik, Slapy, Lipno). This places are used for recreation.

Beauty spots:

Bohemia and Moravia are quite rich in natural springs, so we have a lot of spas.

Well-knows are Karlovy Vary – there is held famous film festival every year, Frantiskovy Lazne, Marianske Lazne, Podebrady, Luhacovice and so on.

Next attractive places for tourist are Czech paradise, The Děčíns walls, Czech Switzerland with remarkable sandstones, Moravian karst and Macocha abyss, Prachov Rock Town.

Some areas in Czech republic are protected: The Boubín Forest, national parks in Sumava range.

Very popular tourist attractions are Czech castles or ruins and: Karlštejn, Křivoklát, Hluboka nad Vltavou, Lednice and of course Prague castle.

The climate:

Our republic lies in mild zone, we have 4 seasons of years.

The hottest month is July and coldest is January.

The warmest places are in southern Moravia and the coldest are in the Giant Mountains. Southern Moravia is thanks to own climate the most fertile part of Czech republic, there are fertile lowlands along river Dyje.

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