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10. Sport

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Níže je uveden pouze náhled materiálu. Kliknutím na tlačítko 'Stáhnout soubor' stáhnete kompletní formátovaný materiál ve formátu DOCX.

  • Traditional / national sport

  • My attitude to sport

  • Do you think PE should be optional at school?

  • Famous sportsman / woman

  • Top sports events (Olympic games)

  • Categories (winter x summer, indoor x outdoors…)

  • Place / facilities

  • Equipment / sportswear

  • Rules

  • Positives x negatives (doping, injuries,…)

  • Your preferences

10) Sport

Many countries all over the world have got their own national and traditional sports.

Sports in America play an important part in their life. Some sports are popular all over America, while other sports, such as lacrosse or ice-hockey, are popular in certain regions. However, the big three sports still are American football, baseball, and basketball.

In Great Britain football continues to be one of the most popular sports today. Teams such as Manchester United and Liverpool are the most popular ones.

Because of the climate are in Australia popular water sports - sailing and surfing. But nowadays is cricket unique national sport there.

My attitude to sport is very positive. I truly love all kinds of sport. Especially team sports are such a fun, because I can spend my free time with friends. I even played volleyball for 6 years.

My opinion on PE in school is quiet clear. I find it unnecessary, because especially in lessons with girls it is a bit boring because they do not like sports like football or floorball. If I had this hour free I would use it for my own sport needs much better.

With sport are closely associated Olympic games. They have become a part of our world culture. But in the history it was not always just festival of best athletes, but also political stuff. For example Hitler used this festival in Berlin in 1936 as a promotion of the Third Reich.

Athletes are interested in many kinds of disciplines, so we can watch lots of them.

100 m sprint is the shortest sprint in outdoor athletics. The most exciting discipline is high jump over the bar. The most prestigious of all disciplines is decathlon. It consists of ten events - 100m, long jump, shot put, high jump, 400m, 110m hurdles, discus, pole vault, javelin, and 1500m and takes place over two days.

And what about being a professional athlete? In my point of view, it brings positives and also negatives. Advantage is, you can do something what makes you happy and what makes you popular. Your life has clear rules and you know what your intention is. But it takes also some disadvantages. You are almost determined to have some accident and injury, because it is quite common in sport. Also is possible that you will have to in future take some drugs for better results. Yes, doping affects a lot of professionals. It causes you to have some serious problems with health in future.

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