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13. British Literature

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WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE – viz 14. otázka


  • wasoneofthegreatestIrishwriters

  • he wasa homosexual and for his affairwith a young man he wasimprisonedfor 2 years

  • he wrote many plays and poemsf.ex.TheimportanceofBeingEarnestorTheNightingale and the Rose

  • the most famous noveliscalledThe Picture of Dorian Gray

    • ittakes place in Lodonatthe end ofthe 19th century

    • Dorian Grayis a handsomeyoung man whosebeautyfascinatedanartist Basil Hallwardwhopaintshim

    • Dorian meetsthecynic lord Henrywhotellshimaboutthesenseofbeauty

    • when Basil finishes his work Dorian wishes he couldalwaysstayyoung

    • his wishcomestrue and thepaintingofhimgetsoldinsteadofhim

    • Dorian startsa decadentwayoflife full ofenjoynment

    • he meets a womanSybil Vanewhokillsherselfafter Dorian isrude to her for her bad performance

    • as thetimegoes Dorian isstillyoung and beautiful but thepaintinggrowsoldand there are somescars on itthatsymboliseDorian’sbad soul

    • he evenkillsthe Basilbecause he considershimresponsiblefor his life

    • in the end wants to destroythepicture and he stabsitwith aknife but he diesinstead

    • thenpeoplefindoldwrinckled man on theground and beautifulyoung man on thepicture

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