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13. Cultural life

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13. Cultural life

Culture is everything creative, for example arts (music, painting, literature, knowledge) it is something which needs to be improved.

Culture is very important in everyday life because it makes people more sociable. There are hundreds of possibilities how enriching your culture life. If we say the word ‘culture’ or ‘cultural life’ we mean going to the cinema, to the theatre, dancing or just staying at home and listening to the radio, watching television and reading books.

I like going to the cinema or theatre, but it is very expensive for student, so I go there just with my parents or my boyfriend. Time to time I visit Antonín Dvořák´s theatre. I love theatres because you are in touch with actors there and it is always amazing experience. My dream is to visit National Theatre in Prague, because it is wonderful building and you can meet their famous actors who act perfectly.

Cinema is cheaper than theatre so I visit it more frequently. In the past cinema was very important, because people didn’t have a TV. I visit it mainly with my friends. This time was last time when I was in the cinema with my friend. We both love Marvel’s movie so we went to a new Avangers: Infinity war part one. It was exciting and thrilling film with lots of special effects. The film was ended quite bad because almost every main character disappears into a dust, but next year there will be second part of this movie. That was a breathtaking, very funny but it was also moving and I cried.

Watching the film at home is comfortable but cinema is better. When I'm going there it must be really good film. I like sci-fi films, comedies, criminal films, horrors or thrillers. I prefer foreign films which are not dubbed, but provided only with subtitles because it is a good opportunity for me to test my knowledge of foreign languages.

I am very interested in reading, but I haven´t got lots of time now. When I was young I loved fantasy books about vampires. As every child I was waiting for Harry Potter´s books. At present are my favorite writers Stephen King, Jodie Picoult, Ruta Sepetys, Lauren Oliver … The best book which I have even read was The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde.

Lot of time I spend watching series and films. My favorite actors are Keira Knightley, Natalie Portman, Jude Law, Hugh Jackman. In the past my favorite actor was Johny Depp, because he acted in really good films. Nowadays it seems to me that his film just trash.

Oscar Award is an award for the best actors, films, soundtrack, music, scream place and more. Oscar ceremony is held annually in February. It is golden statue. When people collect the price they make a speech. Actress are wearing very expensive dress and actors are wearing tuxedo, tie, bowtie, suit.

Razzie Award is an award for the worst actors and films of the year. Some actors collect their awards but most of them prefer to pretend they didn’t win. No one wants collect it because they feel embarrassed. The ceremony is the night before the Oscar ceremony.

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