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15. Literature between wars, Fitzerald

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  • All Fitzgerald´s main characters share the fear of poverty and the worship of success

  • Works: “Tales of the Jazz Age,” “This Side of Paradise,” “East of Ede,” “Tender is the Night”

  • “The Great Gatsby”:

    • Plot:

      • Gatsby is a young man, around thirty years old, who rose from an impoverished childhood in rural North Dakota to become fabulously wealthy. However, he achieves this goal by participating in organized crime, including bootlegging (distributing illegal alcohol) and trading in stolen securities.

      • From his early youth, Gatsby despised poverty and longed for wealth and sophistication.

      • Although Gatsby always wanted to be rich, his main motivation in acquiring his fortune is his love for Daisy Buchanan, whom he met as a young military officer in Louisville before leaving to fight in World War I in 1917. Gatsby falls in love with Daisy’s aura of luxury, grace, and charm, and lied to her about his own background in order to convince her that he is good enough for her.

      • Parallel with F.S. Fitzgerald´s life? Zelda didn’t want to be with Fitzgerald because of his small salary. They were both in army and they met their lover in the same way.

      • Daisy promises to wait for him, but married Tom Buchan in 1919, while Gatsby is studying at Oxford after the war in an attempt to gain an education.

      • Gatsby dedicates himself to winning Daisy back: getting rich, purchase of a sumptuous mansion on West Egg, lavish weekly parties - everything just means to that goal.

      • Fitzgerald delays the introduction of most of this information until fairly late in the novel. Gatsby’s reputation precedes him:

      • Initial presentation of Gatsby: a rather reserved, enigmatic host of the unbelievably opulent parties.

      • surrounds himself with spectacular luxury; attracts powerful men and beautiful women. gossip / source of his wealth shrouded in mystery

    • Analysis:

      • The technique of delayed character revelation emphasizes the theatrical quality of Gatsby’s approach to life - an important part of his personality. (James Gatz → Jay Gatsby reinvention of oneself).

      • Gatsby: an extraordinary ability to transform his hopes and dreams into reality

      • This talent for self-invention: “greatness” (in fact a masterful illusion).

      • Towards the end - Gatsby: innocent, hopeful man who stakes everything on his dreams, not realizing that it is unworthy of him. Gatsby is a tragic figure.

      • He idolized the picture of Daisy and his dream of her disintegrates, revealing the corruption that wealth causes in her.

      • This is the way how Fitzgerald sees the American dream crumbling in the 1920s, as America’s powerful optimism, vitality, and individualism become subordinated to the amoral pursuit of wealth.

    • Compare:

      • Gatsby vs Tom: Tom is a cold-hearted, aristocratic bully, narrow-minded x Gatsby is a loyal and good-hearted man, he doesn’t judge people – he was poor himself. They are both struggle for Daisy.

      • Gatsby vs/and Nick: non-judgemental, G uses Nick at first, but they he genuinely likes him

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