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1. Key terminology of the British Isles and british regionalism

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  1. Key terminology of the British Isles and British Regionalism

Profile: History of key cities and regions, The North/South divide
State: Geographical vs Political Terms, Indigenious and Immigrant Languages, Multi-Culturalism
  • differences between geographical and political terms for countries and islands of The British Isles

Geographical terms

  • The British Isles refers to all islands which make up this archipelago such as Great Britain (England, Scotland, Wales), The island of Ireland, the Orkneys, the Shetland Isles and the Herbides

  • Channel Islands and Isle of Man are British but do not have taxes – they are not part of the UK – Tax Haven

Political terms

  • the name of sovereign state which a British man or Northern Irish man belongs to is the United Kingdom of Great Britain a Northern Ireland (UK)

  • UK consist of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

  • each country within the UK has its own capital: England – London (which is also the capital of the UK), Wales – Cardiff, Scotland – Edinburgh, Northern Ireland - Belfast

  • the Republic of Ireland is the sovereign state of the rest of island

  • Ireland, Great Britain and British Isles are geographical terms. The rest is political.


  • along English four main languages are spoken within the British Isles: Irish, Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, Welsh

  • we referred to them as to indigenous languages

  • from those indigenous (domorodý) languages, Welsh is the most commonly spoken

  • another languages are Manx (Isle of Man) and Cornish which are still spoken though they nearly died out

  • as very multicultural country many other languages are spoken within the British Isles e. g. Polish and Asian languages

  • there is also language originated from the Indian subcontinent


  • British Isles were never really homogeneous society because of long succession of invasions and immigration (Vikings)

  • Irish migration in 18th to 20th century

  • Hugenots from Belgium who were Protestants

  • Jewish

  • first black communities (18th century) and first Chinese communities (19th century) were formed in Liverpool, Bristol and London during colonial period

  • 1st modern mass immigration was post war immigration which began in 1948 with the arrival of the Empire Windrush (was a cruise ship owned by the German shipping line, after 2 WW she was taken by United Kingdom Government as a prize for war) she brought one of the large group of post war West Indian immigrants to UK (Caribbean)

  • Churchill lost the election, they needed welfare for state and workers (advertising – everyone is welcome, free trade, export)

  • after the end of the British Empire all commonwealth citizens were granted by British citizenship and the right to live in Britain during the reconstruction period after w. w. 2

  • The Windrush scandal – 2018 British political scandal concerning people who were wrongly detained (zadržený), denied legal rights, threatened by deportation and in 83 cases wrongly deported from UK (many of them were particularly from Caribbean countries as members of the Windrush generation)

  • as well as those who were wrongly deported an unknown number lost their jobs or homes, were denied benefits or medical care

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