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1. Key terminology of the British Isles and british regionalism

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  • “cottonpolis “

  • birthplace of the Industrial revolution because of textiles (rainy, good place for cotton processing)

  • from 1760 to 1840 the population of Manchester increased from 300 000 to 1.4 million

  • Manchester was infamous for his poverty, slums and terrible living and working conditions

  • Frederic Engels (German philosopher, historian, communist, social scientist, sociologist, …) lived there – inspired Marxism

  • after the War began the massive clos- down process = post war decline (pokles)

  • started post-industrial rejuvenation (omlazení)

  • Peterloo Massacre

On 16 August 1819, at St. Peter’s Field, Manchester, more than 60,000 workers gathered to demonstrate in favor of an expansion of suffrage in England. In an attempt to disperse the crowd and arrest the organizers of the demonstration, local cavalry and members of the 15th Hussars and 88th Foot attacked the crowd, killing a dozen protestors and injuring as many as 600. Though Wellington was not involved, the incident was dubbed “Peterloo” because of his persistent opposition to reform in the House of Lords. Image: Richard Carlisle, To Henry Hunt, Esq., as chairman of the emeeting assembled in St. Peter's Field, Manchester, sixteenth day of August, 1819, and to the female Reformers of Manchester and the adjacent towns who were exposed to and suffered from the wanton and fiendish attack made on them by that brutal armed force, the Manchester and Cheshire Yeomanry Cavalry, this plate is dedicated by their fellow labourer, Richard Carlile: a coloured engraving that dBEBEBEepicts the Peterloo Massacre (1 October 1819), Manchester Library Services. THE GUARDIAN (based on news wich reported)

  • after WW 2 they lost markets

  • post war decline (pokles) welfare state, industrial, economic decline, trade union

  • Thatecher(ism) – 3 mil unemployed, private sector should provide everything (social chaos)

  • Manchester music scene (The Smiths – antifacturism, for people who didn’t fit in, mostly sad, feeling scared, thoughts about death / The Oasis, Band Happy Mondays)

  • 2000 post-industrial city, Britain never recovered from industrialization

  • canal street 80s prostitution, drugs, massively cosmopolitan today

Liverpool (Merseyside)

  • bad reputation because of criminality, poverty

  • port of the Industrial revolution-sailors and dockers lived there (food, sailors, black market, prostitution)

  • historical links to the slave trade (trans-Atlantic slave trade triangle of death, thousands of people died) South America / Carribean slave trade

  • US / Carribean goods Liverpool Africa slaves US…

  • 18th century first black community not just slaves

  • its city because it has cathedral

  • along with Bristol and London there were the first black and Chinese communities

  • post war deindustrialization (post war decline)

  • Thatcherism – a political way of privatisation and switch to service industry

  • it also received massive Irish immigration (It explains why is the Liverpool accent so different from the rest of the North)

  • extreme poverty which leads to criminality

  • 1970 hooligans, a football match LP x Italy (big fight happened during the match – LP was blamed for it)

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