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1. Key terminology of the British Isles and british regionalism

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  • 66,44 mil and 87% is white, 13% is not


  • Christianity 59,7%

  • Islam 4,4%

  • Hinduism 1,3%

  • Tommy Robinson (example of extremist)

Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon (born 27 November 1982), known as Tommy Robinson, is a British far-right and anti-Islam activist. He is the co-founder and former leader of the English Defence League [20] and later served as a political advisor to former UKIP leader Gerard Batten.

Robinson has been active in far-right politics for many years. He was a member of the neo-fascist and white nationalist British National Party (BNP) from 2004 to 2005. For a short time in 2012, he was joint vice-chairman of the British Freedom Party (BFP). Robinson led the EDL from 2009 until 8 October 2013. He continued as an activist, and in 2015 became involved with the development of Pegida UK, a now defunct British chapter of the German-based far-right organisation Pegida. From 2017 to 2018, Robinson wrote for and appeared in online videos for Rebel News, a Canadian far-right political website.

Robinson's criminal record includes convictions for violence, financial and immigration frauds, drug possession and public order offences. He has been committed to prison for contempt of court. He has served at least three separate terms of imprisonment: in 2005 for assault, in 2012 for using false travel documents to enter the United States, and in 2014 for mortgage fraud. In May 2018, Robinson was committed to prison for 13 months for contempt of court after publishing a Facebook Live video of defendants entering a law court, contravening a court order that disallows reporting on such trials while proceedings are ongoing. He served part of his sentence at HM Prison Hull in Kingston upon Hull before being transferred to HM Prison Onley in Warwickshire. On 1 August 2018, due to procedural errors, he was released on bail pending a new hearing of the case. On 5 July 2019, Robinson was again found guilty of contempt of court at the retrial and was committed at the Old Bailey to nine months in prison on 11 July․ Before his sentencing, Robinson appeared on InfoWars and appealed for political asylum in the United States. He was released from prison on 13 September 2019 after serving 9 weeks.

Robinson denies racism and antisemitism, and has declared his support for the Jewish people and Israel, calling himself a Zionist.

Social geography of the UK

  • the major linguistic, cultural and socio-economic differences are between the North and the South of England

  • the north is generally poorer, more industrial, less cosmopolitan with worse weather and less opportunities

  • Northerners are often considered to be tougher, more closed minded, friendlier and more down to earth

  • the South (especially the South East) is considered to be richer, more cosmopolitan with snobby, effeminate and less friendly people

  • historically these differences derive from Industrial revolution and the urbanization of the UK in the 18th and early 19th century

  • the Industrial revolution firstly took place in the North - concretely in Manchester (textile) and the country of Lancashire

  • for this reason, Manchester is often referred to as the workshop of the world

  • also there is linguistic divide (vowel sound)

  • different accent than south (influence of Vikings and Nordic language)

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