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16. Education, my school

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  • I attend Gymnázium Jakuba Škody in Přerov

  • it’s a state grammar school with more than 140-years history and is one of the top secondary schools in

the Czech Republic

  • there are taught all compulsory subjects such as Social Studies, Chemistry, languages, Physics, Mathematics and others

  • there are also several optional subjects which students can choose

  • in our school there are about 23 classes with more than 600 students from the age of 11 to the age of 19

  • one part of our school is the eight-year study and the second part is the four-year study which I attend

    • the eight-year study is for talented pupils finishing the 5th class of primary school

    • the four-year study is ideal for pupils finishing the 9th class of the primary school who plan to study at university or who have not decided yet what they want to do in life

  • our school is situated in Komenský Street not far from the city centre

  • it’s also close to the train and bus station which is advantage for students who commute

  • our lessons start at 7:50 a.m. and each lesson is 45 minutes long

    • school breaks last from 5 to 20 minutes

  • the school year lasts from September to June and is divided into 2 terms which end with school report

    • July and August are dedicated to summer holidays

  • our school is located in a historical building

  • it has ground floor, 2 main floors and 2 additional

    • on the first floor we can find a notice-board with information and timetables

    • almost each subject has its specialized classroom or laboratory

      • f.ex. the specialized classrooms for Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Geography, History...

  • other school facilities include a students‘ cafeteria, gym and outdoor sports ground

  • as a part of our PE lessons students take part in ski courses (in the second year of study) and sport course either in Croatia or rafting on the Vltava River (in the third year of study)



  • the typical prom in the Czech Republic doesn’t have a queen or king

  • it usually starts at 7 p.m. with dance performance or promenade of students

  • girls wear long expensive dresses and boys wear tuxedos


  • the canteen is not part of our school → we have to cross the street

  • lunches are very cheap there → for 28 CZK you get a soup, main course, salad and water or tea

  • we choose from 3 meals but we have to order it at least one day in advance


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