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Places of intrest

Wellington is New Zealand’s capital and it is surrounded by mountains from some of whitish them is a magnificent view over the city. There is the good quarters of the parliament politically commercially and geographically Wellington is the most important city in the country.

Auckland is the largest city in NZ. There are many modern shopping centres with a lot of cafeterias and restaurants, relaxation can be found in many parks.

Christchurch is the 5th largest city which is often said to have the most English character outside of England.

Rotorua – it is a place visited by almost every tourist it is a famous thermal area with gassers of boiling water. You can also see hot water lake and hot mud it is dangerous to have the marked paths, because there is the risk of falling into hot mud.

Would you like to visit New Zealand and why?

Visiting New Zealand is certainly very amazing. Its natural and culture is interesting and different from our culture. I certainly want to visit it.

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