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American History I.

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American history I.

  • Christopher Columbus in 1492 – “official discovery”

  • 1584 – 1st colonisation wave

– by Sir Walter Raleigh (pirate, hired by queen Elisabeth I. – virgin queen)

– Virginia (failure)

  • South – Jamestown (king James I.)

– not permanent at first, then permanent agriculture, first plantations

  • North – group of puritans (1620)

– Plymouth

– Ship Mayflower industrial

– Pilgrim Fathers

– first permanent settlement

  • colonies!!!

  • 1st ½ 18th century – Wars in America

  • New York (former Dutch, now English colony)

- 1763 France defeated

- England needed money because the war was expensive => more laws

  1. English colonies couldn’t trade with France or Spain colonies

  2. laws against US industry –> industry prohibited, just raw materials for England

  3. US colonies had to pay for English army

  4. special tax on things of everyday use (tea, paper) –> people really angry

→ 16th December 1773 Boston Tea Party

- 50 Americans dressed as Indians threw tea from English ships into water, which is the first act of violence against England –> triggered war

  • 1774 – first Continental Congress in Philadelphia

– forms unofficial government

– decides to start buying weapons

  • 1775 – first shots

– English army wanted to confiscate US weapons

  • 2nd Continental Congress

– US army established

– George Washington

  • 4th July 1776 Declaration of Independence (T. Jefferson)

– war between England and US


+ their own land + highly trained proffesionals

+ revolutionary army (motivation) + good officers

- poor officers - expensive (transport 3000 mil)

- poor training

- no navy

- shortage of supplies

- desertion

– at first England winning

– 1777 Battle of Saratoga

  • turning point of the war

  • US army won

  • support from France, Spain, Holland

  • North under US control

– 1781 England surrendered (lord Cornwallis)

– 1785 Peace Treaty

– 1789 US constitution (the most democratic)

  • 1789 – 1850 US spread

  • 1860 Lincoln – new US president (slavery abolished)

  • North

- Union

- 23 mil people
- industry

  • South

- confederation

- 5 mil people + 4 mil slaves

- agriculture

– USA divided – CIVIL WAR 1861 – 1865

– North not very successful at first (south supported by England)

– 1863 Battle of Gettisburg

- turning point of the war

- South defeated

- g. Grant, g. Lee

  • 1st April 1865 – Richmond (South capital) conquered

  • 14th April Lincoln shot at theatre

  • all people equal, slaves free – > KKK (Kukluxklan)

  • 1867 USA buys Alaska

  • 1869 USA buys Hawaii

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