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19. Applying for a job

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  • most CV’s start with personal data and contact information

    • such as name, date of birth, nationality, address, telephone number and e-mail

  • then you should write about your education

    • don’t forget to include names of schools and years of study on each one in reverse order

  • in the third paragraph you should mention your work experience in reverse order starting with most recent one

  • next paragraph should include your skills

    • you can mention your language skills, computer skills and others

  • in the last part you can write about your hobbies and interests which are relevant to the job


  • you should start the letter or e-mail with your address in the upper right corner and with the address of the recipient in the upper left corner

  • under the address should be the date

  • it’s necessary to write the correct greeting

    • if you don’t know the person you are writing to → write Dear Sir or Madam and end the letter with Yours faithfully

    • if you know that person → write Dear Mr./Ms. and their name and end the letter with Yours sicerely

  • you have to write it in formal language and every paragraph should be visibly divided from the rest

  • in the 1st paragraph → explain why you are writing and where you saw the advertisement for the job

  • in the 2nd paragraph → give details of previous work experience and responsibilities

  • in the 3rd paragraph → mention your personal qualities and give reasons why you are the right person for the job

  • in the last paragraph → write down when you are available for interview and when you could start working

  • end your letter with the sentece „I look forward to hearing from you.

  • add Yours faithfully or Yours sincerely

  • and your signature

  • you can enclose your CV or any appropriate document as well

  • and don’t forget to check for mistakes!

Témata, do kterých materiál patří