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2. The United States of America

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  • its capital city is Washington DC (Dictrict of Columbia)

  • the official language is English

  • their currency is called US dollar

  • the country consist of 50 states + Washington DC

  • the head of the state is the President Donald Trump


  • the USA is located on the continent of North America

  • its the fourth largest country in the world

  • there is the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Atlantic Ocean to the east

  • there are 50 states + Washington DC

    • 48 of them are located in central North America

    • Alaska is in the north-western part of NA and Hawaii is in the Pacific

  • the highest mountain is Mount McKinley in Alaska and the largest river is the Mississippi River

  • in the central US there are hot summers and cold winters with thunderstorms and tornadoes

  • Southwester America is much drier with deserts

  • Alaska has an artic climate while Florida and Hawaii have tropical climate


  • the US is a federal republic

  • the goverment consists of 3 branches: the legislative, the executive and the judical

    • the legislative branch makes the laws and is represented by 2 houses of US Congress

      • the Senate and the House of Representatives

    • the executive branch include the office of President and goverment departures

    • the judical branch consists of the Supreme Court and lower courts

  • there are 2 main political parties: the Republicans and the Democrats

  • every state has its governor


  • the original people of the USA are American Indians → they came to America thousands of years ago from Asia

  • after CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS discovered America in 1492 Europeans started settling the continent

  • the were 13 English colonies but they had to pay high taxes to England which they didn’t like

    • so they declared independence in 1776

  • the worst time was the Civil War in 19th century when the Northen and Southern states fought agains each other due to South’s desire to continue the slavery


  • the flag contains 13 red and white stripes → representing the original 13 colonies

  • and 50 white stars on a blue backgroud → representing the states


  • american football is the most popular sport

  • other popular sports are basketball, baseball and ice hockey

  • the Super Bowl (American football championship game) is the most watched television program of the year


  • WALT DISNEY – creator of cartoon characters

  • MARILYN MONROE – actress

  • NEIL ARMSTRONG – first man on the moon

  • MICHAEL JACKSON – singer


  • viz 4. otázka

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