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015b lifestyle

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This includes patterns of social relations, entertainment, dress and so on. A lifestyle also reflects individual's attitudes, values or worldview. Having a specific "lifestyle" means engaging in a characteristic bundle of behaviour. The behaviours and practices within lifestyles are a mixture of habits, conventional ways of doing things, and reasoned actions.

In business, "Lifestyles" provide a means of targeting consumers as advertisers and marketers endeavour to match consumer aspirations with products. Lifestyles refer to patterns in which people live, spend time and money. These patterns are reflected by demographical factors (the habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, economic level and so on… that together constitute the mode of living of an individual or a group); that include things such as the individual’s activities in addition to their interests. As a constructor that helps consumers interact with their worlds, a lifestyles is a subject changing every time. Consumer behaviour research uses lifestyle data to determine the consumers by products.

Today we are very affected by advertising and promotion. It is modern to dress according to the latest style or to have a car, to travel round the world, etc. But it is too expensive, so it requires a good job. It is up to day to jump and have a lot of money. But a good job often means a lot of stress. That is why it is good to know the stress management. The stress management encompasses techniques intended to equip a person with effective coping mechanisms for dealing with psychological stress, with stress defined as a person's physiological response to an internal or external stimulus.

The stress can be a result of an “imbalance between demands and resources” or it can occur when “pressure exceeds ones perceived ability to cope”. Now it is a fact accepted by the medical community that the stress is one of the major causes of all illnesses. The stress can cause migraines, stroke, eczema, a weak immune system, and many other diseases. The stress is also known to cause medical complications during pregnancy for both the mother and the child. The stress management was developed on the belief of the idea that the stress is not a direct response to a stressor but rather one's resources and ability to cope with the stress and are amenable to change, thus allowing the stress to be controlled. In order to develop an effective stress management programme, at first it is necessary to identify the factors that are central to an individual controlling their stress, and to identify the intervention methods which effectively target these factors. Here are several stressors, that can lead to stress: pain, bright light, elevated sound levels, events like birth, death, wedding, divorce, war, reunion, rape, moving, age, traffic, exams and others.

There is a variety of ways of coping with stress. Some techniques may help a person to control stress. In the face of high demands, effective stress management involves learning to set limits and to say "No" to some demands that others make. Techniques of stress management vary according to the theoretical paradigm adhered to, but may include some of the following: autogenic training, cognitive therapy, conflict resolution, exercise, meditation, progressive relaxation, stress balls.

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