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25. My future carreer, aplying for a job

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25. My future career, applying for a job

I think one of the most important moments in my life is School Leaving Exam. If I will be successful, next exam awaits me. It is entrance examination to university. At first I had a problem decide what I want to study. After long time I finally decided to study Economy of Tourist because I love traveling and I think it will be best decision for me. After sturdy I should work in travel agency as a manager or maybe I should to have my own travel agency and travel around the world (at School of Business Administration).

During the studies I would like to join some exchange program for students and study few months abroad. It would be absolutely perfect, because of get some experience with foreign languages.

At university I would like to get a part-time job to earn some extra money and experience which can be advantage for getting a permanent job in the future.

For me a good job should be well paid, not be boring and monotonous. I hope I will choose a profession that will satisfy me, challenge me and bring me joy. I believe that a job should be like a hobby. I hope I won’t be dissatisfied and bored with my job.

But nowadays young people face quite a big problem finding a good job. It is no usually difficult to find a job, but if you want to work in your field and take advantage of the knowledge, you gained at the university, then it is difficult.

In different times different jobs are “in”. Some time ago, there were so few doctors and lawyers that everybody wanted to be one as they were considered to be well – paid job. Nowadays it is the same with IT. Also in this time, learning languages is very important, because when you want a job, you need at least two languages.

I would like to get married one day, but not so soon. I have a boyfriend now but I am only eighteen, I don’t need to start thinking about marriage. After I finish schools I want to travel a little before I settle down.

My future partner should be nice, takes care of me and also should have a good job. But it is one big if and I do not insist on it.

Finding a job can be one of the most interesting but also stressful times of our lives. When you know what kinds of jobs you would like, you need to prepare your CV and diploma from university or secondary school and, then you can go to an employment agency, look for a jobs in the newspapers, search the internet. You can also register at labour office. Than you have to write an application letter and have an interview. The interview is the most important step to get the job. You gave to look self-confident but not too much, you must give your employee the best first impression by being well clothed and arrive on time.

If my plans failed, I will try to found a firm and become businessmen. My friends have same idea like me and we could create enterprise together. We are everybody interest in

I want to work as long as I could. I thing hard work prevents from troubles of old age and sitting home is too boring for me.

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