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Kladno is a large city in the Central Bohemian Region. It is the thirteenth largest city in the Czech Republic and its population is almost 70,000 people.

Work Opportunity

I think in our city is a lot of places where you can work

When you are not skilled you can work in industrial zone in Kladno. There are companies like Lego, Dr. Oetker, Keihin, Poldi. For teacher there is a lot of kirdengartens, elementary and secondary schools and also universities. For medics, nurses and doctores there is a hospital, poliklinika, home for the elderly and more private offices. I think everybody who wants and can work find the right option for them

There are many interesting sights in Kladno, at least according to its website. Here are just a few of them.

The chateau

Kladno Chateau looks just like a bigger detached house. The building comes from the 18th century. Today, there is a gallery and part of the municipal library. There are bears in the chateau garden. It is hard to find out how many bears are there at the moment – most websites say two. I’m afraid of bears so I’m definitely not going to check it.

Rozdělov high-rise buildings

This sight is not listed on the official website of Kladno. It is a pity because they are so ugly that they are beautiful. They were built in the 1950s and they look Soviet as hell. There are six of them and they can be seen from very far away.

There are two theatres and two cinemas, an athletic stadium, an ice hockey stadium, a swimming pool. There is a hospital, a fire brigade and several police stations. There are several parks where you can go for a walk and Relax.


Kladno is famous for its coal mining and for its steel industry. The most famous steelworks in Kladno is Poldi. It was set up in 1889 and a lot of people from Kladno worked there. In the past, it was really big and produced a lot of steel. Today, the largest company in Kladno is probably Lego.


There are many sports clubs in Kladno. The most famous one is probably the ice hockey club, Rytíři Kladno. The owner of the club and its most famous member is Jaromír Jágr.

Another sport that is popular in Kladno is football.

The most famous athletic stadium in Kladno is called Sletiště. You can run, jump and inline skate there. There is a swimming pool right next to the stadium.

Other sports that are popular in Kladno are for example swimming, volleyball, aerobics, and floorball.

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