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3. Geography of the British Isles and the US

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3. Geography of the British Isles and the US

profile: The USA

state: The British Isles


  • America is the second largest continent (after Asia) which covers about 42 mil. Km2

  • the name of continent is derived from Amerigo Vespucci (Florentin who drew maps of the newly discovered continent and signed them)

  • Native Americans lived in America for thousands of years

  • English people went to the place now called Jamestown (Virginia)

  • other European settlers went to the colonies (mostly from England and also Spain, France and Netherland colonized North America)

  • in 1775 began the war between 13 colonies and Britain (because colonies were upset over paying taxation to their government in UK, but were not being given chance to vote in UK elections to contribute how money was spent)

  • on July 4th, 1776 Founding Fathers wrote the United States Declaration of Independence

  • they won the Revolutionary War and started a new country (General George Washington – first president)

  • US shares land borders with Canada (to the north) and Mexico (to the south) and territorial water with Russia (in the northwest)

  • United States consists from 50 states and 1 district (district of Columbia)

  • its federal republic, to be specific they have presidential democracy

  • we can divide US into these regions The Northeast, The North Central Region, The South and The Western Coast

The Western Coast

  • coastline which meets the North Pacific Ocean

  • refers to states of California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska and Hawaii

  • oceanic and mediterranean climate (immensely contrast)

  • has been populated by immigrants (Spanish, French, Russian)

  • because of Spanish colony and Mexican territory they have distinctive Hispanic tone (which also shares with the rest of Southwest)

  • they have large % (75%) of American Indian, Philipinos and Asian communities

  • we can see Asian American concentration in San Francisco and Los Angeles

  • Portland and Seattle are both considered among the coffee capitals of the world (Starbucks – Seattle)

  • culture was shaped by its forests, mountains and rain (may affect that they have many high-quality libraries and bookshops)

  • magnificent beaches (Butterfly beach, Manhattan beach, Maui)

  • in California we have mountain range Sierra Nevada (famous and popular in sports)

  • tourism is really important industry

  • California nickname is the Golden State (because of weather, gold rush – in mid 19s century people were moving to explore and they were looking for wealth and gold)

Los Angeles

  • is the largest city in the West Coast and its second largest city in US

  • its highly populated

  • largest urban culture (presence of a great number of very different people in very limited space)

  • its home to Hollywood

  • 9/10 of American films are made there (largest conglomeration of TV studios)

  • walk of fame

  • LA information technology and science (home for internet startups)

  • but not everything is nice about LA they have huge problem with pollution, smog, homelessness

  • large share of green cities (city designed with consideration for social, economic and environmental impact for existing population) bicycling and organic gardening

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