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4. The USA

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Now I would like tell you something about the history of the USA. I will start with:

First settlements – In 1492 Christopher Columbus discovered America. The first English colony was founded in Virginia at Jamestown in 1607. The colony plymouth were members of religion sect called pilgrim fathers, but in winter about one half of them died. The next year in October 1621 they celebrate good harvest and the day of celebrations they called thanksgiving day. Today, is Thanksgiving Day, one of the most popular holidays.

The War of Independence - George washington took over the command of a continental army. The continental congress began to work as a national government and on July 4th, 1776 they agreed on the declaration of independence written mainly by Thomas Jefferson. This is the day, when the usa was founded. The war of independence lasted till 1783. The new constitution was adopted in 1787.

Civil war – About 60 years of never ending discuses about slaves freedom led to the civil war between the north and the south. It started in 1861 after Abrahem Lincoln was elected president in 1860. Lincoln the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 which granted freedom to all slavers. In april the union forces won the war.

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