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4 Travelling and holidays

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Nowadays we can travel everywhere, we can commute to school or work. It also depends on how much money we want to spent, how big budget we have or if we travel alone, if we are going somewhere for a week or a month, etc. But otherwise I think it’s been easy to travel and travel even abroad and not just in our country.

Why we travel, advantages x disadvantages

We can travel alone, with our family members or friends, we can go on a business trip, on a cruise, if we like sailing, a lot of people go on an excursion, because they want to go sightseeing, they want to find out some new information about the town’s or building’s history. On the other hand, many people want to travel because they want to meet new people, find a new job abroad or learn something about new culture or just want to relax. However, I think that if we travel, it has a lot of more benefits and it helps us in our everyday life.

For example, if we travel alone, we have to deal with new people, because we are not in our bubble (a comfort zone) and we have to face different problems, that we have in our everyday life, and we need to come up with new solutions. Also, we can learn new things about ourselves, we can finally find out what we want to do, where and with who we want to be. Therefore, I guess many people would rather spend their money on travelling, because it can bring them more happiness, that lasts longer, than happiness we have from material things. While travelling we could also have bad experience – we could lose our things (passport, wallet, luggage, …), have an accident (car accident, injury, …), sometimes people can´t speak different language – problems with conversation, misunderstandings, …

Types of holiday, package holiday x backpacking

When we travel, we could go on a package holiday and we don’t need to do anything, we just have to go to the travel agency and choose our holiday (where we want to go and in which accommodation we would like to stay) and then we just have to pay for it. Usually if we go on a package holiday, we want to see some tropical destinations, so we want to go to the seaside and we have to fly there. We can also go backpacking – it means we take only our backpack with us - it´s usually a low budget holiday, but nowadays more and more people go backpacking (less expensive plane tickets - we don´t have to pay for a luggage, we can easily go from place to place, etc.)

Means of transport, types of holiday

We have lots of means of transport, we can go on a cruise, so we travel by ship, we can take a train or a bus, go by car or go by plane. In my opinion plane is the most comfortable and the fastest type of transport (on the plane you can drink, eat, read, go to the toilet, listen to the music), however a lot of people prefer to take a car or a train, because maybe they don’t go on a long journey, or they think it’s cheaper.

At the airport

If we are flying abroad, there are some things we need to have and things we have to do at the airport. Airports are crazy places. Generally, they're exceptionally busy, and the larger ones in the country can be quite big and confusing.

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