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The last country I want to talk about is New Zealand. New Zealand is an island country located south-east of Australia in the Pacific Ocean. It consists of two large islands, the North Island and the South Island, divided by the Cook Strait.

New Zealand is mainly mountainious. Mount Cook on the South Island is 3,764 m high. The North Island is famous for its volcanic area with a lot of geysers. It also has many small lakes. The coasts are surrounded by plains and tropical rainforests.

The climate is very pleasant all the year round in New Zealand. It is mild with warm and rainy weather.

The nature of New Zealand is very famous for its beauty and purity and is often used in many movies, such as the Lord of the Rings or the Last Samurai.

The first inhabitants of New Zealand were the Maoris from the Polynesian origin. They have lived there since 5th century and today represent about 9% of the population. Maori is their original native language. New Zealand was first discovered by Dutch in the 17th century and later became a British colony. It became independent in 1907 and in 1931 it became a part of the Commonwealth.

Now, it’s a consitutional monarchy with the head of state - the Queen Elizabeth II. The official language is English.

The population is over 4 million people. New Zealand is divided into counties. Its capital is Wellington located on the North Island. Other large cities are Auckland (the largest), Christchurch and Hamilton.

New Zealand is very rich country thanks to its agriculture. The breeding of cattle and sheep is very extended there. New Zealand prosperity is founded on dairy farming. The pleasant climate allows cattle and sheep to stay outside even in winter. Grass grows faster than in most countries there and is called „the green gold“. New Zealand is also one of the world’s greatest producers of wool.

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