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6. Australia

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  • the official name is Commonwealth of Australia

  • its capital city is Canberra

  • the official language is English

  • their currency is called Australian dollar

  • the head of the state is the monarch of the United Kingdom Queen Elizabeth II.

    • she is represented by the Governor General

  • Australia is famous for its wildlife and animals → kangaroo, koala, sheep, Tasmanian devil


  • Australia is a continent on the southern hemosphere between the Indian and Pacific oceans

  • it’s made of 6 states and 2 territories → Northern Territory and Australian Capital Territory

  • the centre of Australia is a desert

  • Australia’s climate is quite different from the rest of the world

    • in the north there are tropical regions with heavy rain

    • the south has hot summers and cool winters

  • Australia’s the highest mountain is Mount Kosciuszko and the longest river is the Murray River


  • Australia is a federal state and a part of the British Commonwealth

  • the head of the state is the monarch of the United Kingdom Queen Elizabeth II.

    • she is represented by the Governor General

  • the most powerful position has the government which is led by the prime minister

    • the government in individual states is led by the premier

  • the parliment has its seat in Canberra

    • and is consisted of two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives


  • the Australian flag is dark blue with the flag of the United Kingdom in the upper left corner

  • in the lower left corner there is one star known as the Commonwealth Star

  • the rest 5 stars on the flag represent the Southern Cross constellation


  • cricket is the most popular summer sport

  • other popular sports are rugby, football, soccer and surfing



  • CATHY FREEMAN – sprinter



    • is the capital city of Australia

    • it is unusual city because it was entirely planned and desined by an American architect

    • the city has geometric shapes like triangles and squares

    • in the centre of the city there is an man-made lake with The Captain James Cook Memorial Water Jet

    • Canberra is a political centre

      • on Capital Hill you can find the new Parliament House


    • is the largest and oldest city in Australia

    • one of the most famous buildings is the Sydney Opera House

    • another famous place f.ex. is Sydney Haurbor Bridge

    • the Rock is the historic part of Sydney with buidings from 18th century


    • is Australia’s second largest city

    • it is also Australia’s cultural capital because of many musicans and comediants started there

  • ULURU (AYERS ROCK) – is large sandstone rock formation

  • THE GREAT BARRIER REEF – is the world’s lagest coral reef

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