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Mass Media

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20 Mass Media, Communication

1) Different types of media

- broadsheet – ekonomic actuality, politic, review, sports news, advert, weather forecast, TV guide, crosswords, opinion column, cartoon, horoscope, …

- tabloid – celebrity lives, scandals, divorces, weddings, infidelities, lies, gossip

2) What are the roles of media (they should / shouldn´t do)

- should inform us of news and events, they should be serious decent and true .

- They should not invade people's privacy, they should not lie and slander.

3) Different types of newspapers and what can you find there?

- tabloid – celebrity lives, scandals, divorces, weddings, infidelities, lies, gossip

- daily – daily event

- weekly – weekly event

- monthly – monthly event

- classic newspaper – headline, sports news, advert, weather forecast, TV guide, arts and entertainment section, opinion column, crosswords, cartoon, horoscope

- magazine – review, crosswords, cartoon, horoscope, front page, …

- journal – referat, nature article, machine article, politics, economy, medical magazine

4) News online or in print? + / - Do you still use traditional media? Why / why not?

- I'm more likely to use news on the internet because it's more up-to-date, more transparent and more accessible. Sometimes I'll read grandpa's paper or just check it out.

5) Can you believe everything you read in the newspapers or on the Internet?

- I honestly don't know what to believe, but I trust newspapers rather than the internet because more people will read the internet and so they can lie better

6) Would you like to be a journalist? Why/ why not?

- I wouldn't want to be a journalist because I wouldn't enjoy this job.

7) The Internet and what can you find there? + otázka 8. SHOPPING AND SERVICES

- shops, internet shopping, economic news, politics, tv program, weather forecast, email, review, tabloid, opinion column, horoscope, …

8) Social networks + / -

+ can be inspired, find ideas, follow nature, modus, we can watch others live, news from the world,

- show us unrealistic lives, compare ourselves to others, spend a lot of time on them, don't like each other because of them, don't live reality

9) Magazines- different kinds, your favourite ones and why?

- medical journals, tabloids, children's magazines, dirty magazines, comic books magazines, specialist magazines, recipe magazines, furniture magazines, nature magazines

- my favourite is recipe magazines because a love bakeing and i can find interesting receipes there.

10) TV – different programmes / channels

- sitcom, sports channels, reality show, chat show, game show, quiz show, kriminals channels, channels for children, channels for adult, evening news, nature channel, …

11) Do you watch TV?

- I don't watch TV because I don't like commercials and I prefer watch series.

12) Should TV commercials for cigarettes and alcohol be banned?

- I think not. In my opinion they draw attention to the dangers rather than influencing youngsters

13) Radio – advantages / disadvantages, where can you listen to it.

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