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6. The Czech Republic

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The Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is land-locked country, meaning it doesn’t have a border with the sea, but is surrounded by other countries (Poland, Germany, Slovakia and Austria). It is in heart of Europe. The country is made up of three regions, Bohemia in the west and Moravia to east and Silesia in the north-east. It has population about 10,5 million. The capital city is Prague and the local currency is the Czech Crown. Bohemia is surrounded by mountains with the highest point of Sněžka (1602 m). The climate is temperate with warm summers and cold winters.

Beginning in the 4th century B.C. Celtic tribes settled in the region, followed by Germanic and Slavic tribes. The country began to form in the 9th century with the creation of Great Moravia. After its fall, the Czech State emerged with help from Premyslids. Under the reign of the Habsburgs, it became part of the Empire of Austria-Hungary. This empire collapsed after WWI and together with Slovak neighbours, they formed a new country, known as Czechoslovakia. During WWII was occupied by the Germans. After the war ended, Czechoslovakia fell under the influence of the Soviet Union. The country remained a Communist state until the peaceful revolution in 1989. The Czechs and Slovaks in 1993.

After overthrowing Communism, the country set up a parliamentary democracy. The parliament consists of two houses: the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. The head of the state is the president, and it is he who appoints a prime minister. There are 200 people in the Chamber of Deputies, and they serve a 4-year term. The 81 Senate members are elected for 6 years, and the president is elected every 5 years by the parliament.

The Czech Republic’s flag is red, white, and blue, which is traditionally Slavic colours, and many of its neighbour flags include them. On the left is a blue triangle, which was added to the flag in 1918 to represent Slovakia. The top band is white, and the bottom band is red.

Some of the most important holidays celebrated by Czechs are St. Wenceslas Day, Independence Day, and Struggle from Freedom and Democracy Day. They are all important dates in Czech history. St. Wenceslas happens on September 28. on October, Independence Day is celebrated to commemorate the date in 1918 when Czechoslovakia was formed. The Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day is on November 17, and remembers the students who protested both against the Nazis and Communism.

Prague is the largest and the capital city. It is a popular tourist destination. Prague is known as “the Golden City” and ”the City of a Hundred Spires” because of its rich architecture-many churches and cathedrals. Some popular sites in Prague are Prague Castle, Charles Bridge, the Astrological Clock, and the Old Town Square.

Charles IV is famous for being the only Czech to be Holy Roman Emperor. Jan Hus was an important religious leader of the 14th and 15th century. Jan Komenský was an important educational theorist and reformer. Karel Čapek, Milan Kundera and Jaroslav Hašek are famous Czech writers. Writer Franz Kafka also lived in Prague. Miloš Forman is an Oscar-winning director. Antonín Dvořák and Bedřich Smetana are famous composers. The 2 Czechs have won the Nobel Prize: Jaroslav Heykovský for chemistry and Jaroslav Seifert for literature. Contact lentils are the invention of chemist Otto Wichterle. Some famous athletes are Jaromír Jágr for ice-hockey or Martina Navrátilová for tennis.

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